SAUDIS ARE PRESERVING IDOLS WORSHIPED BY THEIR FORE FATHERS AND DESTROYING ISLAMIC HERITAGE Saudis are destroying Islamic Heritage and preserving cultural heritage of their ancestors, and Idols worshiped by their Pagan forefathers in Temple like Museums. Read more about Saudi Government official policy in this context Saudi Government is organizing Exhibitions showing their national Heritage in all major cities of the world. Saudi national Heritage being exhibited in these grand exhibitions is Pre-Islamic Cultural Heritage of their Pagan forefathers. Read ARAB NEWS report dated January 14, 2013 arabnews/diplomats-all-praise-rich-saudi-heritage-and-culture Read CNN report which gives detail that the Idols of Pagan Gods are shown in Saudi International Exhibitions. edition.cnn/2010/WORLD/europe/07/29/saudi.pre-islam.treasures/index.html People, who visit Saudi exhibitions in major cities of the world, get the impression that Islam was imposed on Saudi Arabia earlier and now since Sauds have come into power, the nation has gone back to their old culture that existed before Islam. Read CNN Report in this context. edition.cnn/2010/WORLD/europe/07/29/saudi.pre-islam.treasures/index.html PAGAN HERITAGE PRESERVED – ISLAMIC HERITAGE DESTROYED IN SAUDI ARABIA Saudi Salafists and their like minded groups have misinterpreted Quranic verses and Ahadith to claim that Salafism/Wahhabism is real Islam. And this looks to be the main motivation for them to erase all Islamic Heritage memorials from their land. Read Saudi sponsored Salafi terrorists, ISIS and others have destroyed Islamic Heritage in Iraq, Syria, Libya and other countries. Read more… cifiaonline/islamicheritagerevival.htm Saudis openly say that preservation of Prophets (صلى الله عليه و آله وسلم) relics, his houses, the houses of Sahabah, old Islamic mosques and even the sacred graves of Sahabah is shirk; but preservation of Idols worshiped by their forefathers is their important responsibility towards their future generations. Read more... cifiaonline/salafiskygodhistory.htm SAUDIS BUILT PUBLIC TOILET ON PROPHET’S (SAWS) HOUSE The height of Saudi hatred towards Prophet Mohammad (صلى الله عليه و آله وسلم) is, they built PUBLIC TOILET on Prophet’s (saws) house in Makka. Read details on this link. https://facebook/permalink.php?story_fbid=690456794373969&id=163376087082045 Also watch this video clip. youtube/watch?v=YiQtsMQ5ZJs IMPORTANT NOTICE TO PEOPLE VISITING SAUDI ARABIA FOR HAJJ AND UMRA DO NOT GO NEAR PUBLIC TOILET BUILT ON PROPHET’S (SAWS) HOUSE. YOU CAN USE HOTEL TOILETS OR TOILETS ON THE OTHER SIDE OF HARAM. Many people have informed us that they have done Tauba because they had unknowingly used this toilet earlier. #PreserveIslamicHeritage #SaveGreenDome#PreservationOfIslamicHeritage #Islam #Muslims #ProphetMohammed#Saudi #SaudiRoyals #Hajj #Hajis #Hajj2014
Posted on: Fri, 19 Sep 2014 12:15:00 +0000

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