SAVE DEMOCRACY (FROM CRIMINALIZATION OF POLITICS) ! START CAMPAIGN asking the PM and CMs to drop the ministers having criminal records in their cabinets immediately as per SC’s Constitutional bench’s sayings although it is for the PM and the CMs have the right to select them ! The Supreme Court has said that the Yard Stick should be same for Judiciary and Ministers(reported in Lok Sabha TV). So Citizens must spread this to fellow citizens and do everything to save democracy from more people with criminal records entering the assembly and parliament by building public pressure all over India asking the PM and the CMs to drop the people with criminal records from the cabinet of state, and in the centre. Also public pressure should be built to amend the Representation of the People’s Act suitably to stop the people with criminal records contesting elections. Now as per SC judgment people convicted for 2 years will not continue in these institutions. Considering this, the people with criminal records for more than 3 years punishment shall not be allowed to contest the elections even if it is pending in the court. The act needs to be amended to stop them from contesting elections in future. Also the persons who have CRIMINAL Records should not be made as the Chief or President of any Political Party. The ratio of the country is not even one percent(criminal records) it seems ! But it is one third in the Lok Sabha it seems ! Is it not alarming election after election ? If it goes like this it will become 100% in future ! So it is time to the stake holders(citizens) to think seriously about this and save democracy failing which it will result in autocrat ruling us ! AWAKE CITIZENS AWAKE to save DEMOCRACY ! EDUCATE the fellow citizens about the consequences of electing the person with criminal records as MLA and MPs and how it will affect the civil society ‘s order ! CLEAN the politics and politicians by sending the people with criminal records out of Public Institutions (By bringing Political Reforms) ! JAI HIND !
Posted on: Fri, 05 Sep 2014 18:31:42 +0000

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