SAVE MANY SOULS BY SHARING THIS GODS MESSAGE!!! WHAT MUST BE OUR PRIORITY IN LIFE WHILE WE ARE HERE ON EARTH??? (Please refer to Holy Bible Verses: Matthew 4:17, 6:33, 7:21-27 ; John 3:3-8) May the love, peace, and endless blessings from our Almighty Father our Lord Jesus Christ be with all of us. Mateo 4:17 Ang Salita ng Diyos (SND) 17 Mula noon, nagsimulang mangaral si Jesus. Sinabi niya: Magsisi kayo sapagkat malapit na ang paghahari ng langit. Matthew 4:17 Amplified Bible (AMP) 17 From that time Jesus began to preach, [a]crying out, Repent ([b]change your mind for the better, heartily amend your ways, with abhorrence of your past sins), for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. John 3:3-8 Amplified Bible (AMP) 3 Jesus answered him, I assure you, most solemnly I tell you, that unless a person is born again (anew, from above), he cannot ever see (know, be acquainted with, and experience) the kingdom of God. 4 Nicodemus said to Him, How can a man be born when he is old? Can he enter his mother’s womb again and be born? 5 Jesus answered, I assure you, most solemnly I tell you, unless a man is born of water and [[a]even] the Spirit, he cannot [ever] enter the kingdom of God. 6 What is born of [from] the flesh is flesh [of the physical is physical]; and what is born of the Spirit is spirit. 7 Marvel not [do not be surprised, astonished] at My telling you, You must all be born anew (from above). 8 The wind blows (breathes) where it wills; and though you hear its sound, yet you neither know where it comes from nor where it is going. So it is with everyone who is born of the Spirit. Our Almighty Father our Lord Jesus Christ teaches us in The Holy Bible that what He gave to every person is Eternal Life in its fullness when we are born or created. Eternal Life in its fullness means to have life with no end together with our Almighty Father in The Garden of Eden or The Holy City: The New Jerusalem, with complete blessings as revealed in The Holy Bible (Genesis 1:26-28, 2:7; John 10:10; Revelation chapters 21 & 22). However when we begin to live in sinfulness or according to our Human Will (Galatians 5:16-23), we lost our Eternal Life and most of the blessings we suppose to receive from God (Genesis chapter 3; Exodus 20: 1-7; Deuteronomy chapter 28; Revelation 20:11-15; 21:1-8; 22:14-15; John 3:36) Our Almighty Father is reminding us that as sinners, our priority in life while we are here on Earth must be to reconcile to Him so that our Eternal Life together with all the blessings can be restored or given back to us again by God (Matthew 4:17, 6:9-10; John 3:3-8, 10:10). It is Gods work in every persons life to change us from being a sinner to a holy person (or living in faith in God & in obedience to His a Will & Commandments). As a carnal person & a sinner, we do not have the spiritual power to change our spiritual life, because we are a spiritual hostage of sin & satan. We need God and the power of His Spirit (The Holy Spirit) to restore or make us in the image of God again as when we are created (or like our Almighty Father our Lord Jesus Christ). To reconcile to God, He commanded us to REPENT or SURRENDER to HIM COMPLETELY BY LEAVING OUR SINFUL LIFE, AND DO HIS WILL instead (Matthew 4:17, 6:9-10; John 3:3-8) as the first step. It is only when we REPENT and offer our life as a living sacrifice to Him (Matthew 4:17; Romans 12:1-2), HE will be able to do a complete spiritual restoration work (restoring/empowering The Holy Spirit in our heart) in us. Our individual responsibility so that Gods spiritual restoration works in us to be successful, we must do also the following: a. Study/learn the Word of God as written in the Holy Bible. Our Faith in God, Spiritual Salvation, and restoration of our Eternal Life begins by studying/ learning/practicing The Word of God or The Holy Bible. b. Continuously pray to God for spiritual empowerment to be able to win over satan and overcome our Baptism of Fire (Matthew 6:5-14; Ephesians 6:10-18). Please see more explanation about REPENTANCE & FAITH IN GOD below. What is a TRUE FAITH IN GOD? A TRUE FAITH IN GOD is God’s spiritual power in our heart through the help of The Holy Spirit (John 16:13, 14:17, 26) that gives us power to do the following: 1. To believe in God and in His Words: The Holy Bible without any doubt, although we do not yet fully know God and understand His Word (John 3:16-21, Hebrews 11:1-40). 2. To do the Will of God and obey His Words: The Holy Bible without any doubt and hesitation, although our human understanding does not yet fully understand His motive and purpose (John 3:16-21, Hebrews 11:1-40, James 2:14-26). Our Faith in God is developed and becomes powerful by continuous listening, studying and meditating in the Word of God: The Holy Bible (Romans 1:17, 10:17; John 5:39-40, 6:63, 15:1-10) It is the power of our Faith in God that mobilizes our freedom of choice to obey God and bear the following spiritual fruits in our life: 1. REPENT (refer to post about “REPENTANCE”) 2. Undergo SPIRITUAL REBIRTH (John 3:5). 3. Overcome/win our Baptism of Fire. (Please see explanation below) What is REPENTANCE? REPENTANCE means to be “BORN OF WATER”(John 3:3-8). It is a spiritual act on the part of man to accept God’s gift: “SPIRITUAL SALVATION, ETERNAL LIFE and restoration of being sons/daughters of God who will join Him in “THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN OR THE HOLY CITY: THE NEW JERUSALEM”(Revelation 21:6-8), that our Almighty Father our Lord Jesus Christ accomplished through His death on the cross (John 3:16-21). When a man REPENTS, God expects him to do the following acts through the help and guidance of our Almighty Father our Lord Jesus Christ: 1. To completely surrender to God (Matthew 3:2,8,11 & 4:17; 6:9-10; John 3:3-8). 2. To do the WILL of GOD (Matthew 6:9-10) and obey His commandments (Matthew 7:21-23). 3. To replace our Human Will and Satan (Galatians 5:16-21) as our god in this sinful world by our ALMIGHTY FATHER OUR LORD JESUS CHIRST, as our new GOD here at the Kingdom of heaven on Earth. 4. To hate, expose and destroy Satan and the territories of darkness or causes of SIN (Ephesians 6:10-18). What is SPIRITUAL REBIRTH? SPIRITUAL REBIRTH means to be “BORN OF SPIRIT” (John 3:5). It is a spiritual action from God that replaces our Human Will or the spirit of Satan which was removed when we REPENT by a SPIRIT OF GOD or THE HOLY SPIRIT. The HOLY SPIRIT within us gives us power live in Faith in God, and in obedience to the WILL OF GOD and live like our Almighty Father our Lord Jesus Christ, this is experienced by a new born again person after our Almighty Father our Lord Jesus Christ baptised him in The Holy Spirit (Matthew 3:11; Luke 24:49;John 14:15-18; Acts 1:4-5, 2:1-36). Being Born of Spirit or Spiritual Rebirth is Gods work in a sinners heart. What the sinners need to do is to Repent and completely submit to God (Matthew 6:9-10; Romans 12:1-2). It is God who replaces the sinners Human Will or Sinful Heart by a New Heart that is Obedient to The Will of God called The Holy Spirit (Ezekiel 11:19-20). What is Spiritual Growth and Maturity? Our Almighty Father expects us to grow and mature spiritually, in the same way that our physical parents expect us to grow and mature physically. The sign of spiritual growth and maturity is manifested in the following: 1. The Word of God we received is being applied in our daily life. 2. We start to be entrusted of God’s Word and works of The Kingdom of God. 3. We are prepared to face our Baptism of Fire. What is BAPTISM OF FIRE? Our Baptism of Fire are trials and sufferings we experience in our life (Matthew 3:11, 5:10-12; Revelation 21:7; 1 Corinthians 3:10-15) for being a son or daughter of God and doing His Will and Commandments (Matthew 6:9-10). It is a gift or blessing from our Almighty Father our Lord Jesus Christ for being His son or daughter (Matthew 5:10-12, John 1:12, Revelation 21:7). For sinners, false prophets/teachers and Satan and his demons, Baptism of Fire is the suffering in Hell that they will face in judgment if they will not REPENT (Revelation 21:6-8, Matthew 7:19, John 15:6).... ... ..@** ad.relz.79**@
Posted on: Sat, 08 Mar 2014 04:29:37 +0000

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