SAVED TO SERVE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE BELIEVER TO CHRIST 1 Peter 5:4-11 Introduction: 1. We looked at the responsibility of the pastor to shepherd and lead the congregation the Lord sent him too. We saw that he is appointed by the Holy Spirit to serve the assembly of believers. He is to feed the flock of God not lording over them. His heart felt desire as Paul stated in Colossians 1:28 is to preach, warring every man in all wisdom; that we may present every man perfect in Christ Jesus 2. This morning we will continue in I Peter 5:5-11 and look at the responsibility of believers to the Lord. 3. Any pastor who preaches on the following two topics will probably be misunderstood and open himself to criticism. But if he does not preach them he is being disobedient to the Lord who has called him to preach the whole counsel of God. The two subjects are 1. Tithing and 2. Submission. ILLUS: There is a story told of a remarkable account of the destruction of an ancient city. The watchmen on the walls would call out whenever they thought they saw a foe approaching. Sensing that the people had begun to resent them for giving false alarms, they decided to remain quiet. Regrettably, not long afterward the enemy actually did come. The enemy sent a small group of men to test the defenses. Because they were just a few men, the watchmen thought them to be no danger. The walls were high and the city was strong. The watchmen were not sure if they were the enemy or not. The watchmen fearing the scorn of the town gave no alarm and remained silent. Then the enemy moved his main force and attacked the city. The city that could have been saved, was assaulted and devastated, and nothing was left but smoking ruins. Later someone erected a small memorial inscribed with the following epitaph: Here stood a town that was destroyed by silence. Can Gods messenger afford to be silent about the sin that surrounds them? Can he be true to his calling and not preach the whole council of the Word of God and be discerning of truth and error? I. BELIEVERS ARE TO BE SUBMISSIVE. V5-7 A. Peter turns his attention from the shepherd to the sheep. Good leaders deserve good followers. Those that are lead are responsible to be in subjection to God and to other Christians. Believers are responsible to God to be good followers and if they do not follow they will soon find themselves separated from God protection and in the hands of the enemy. B. Submission to Elders. V5 1. Church leaders were usually older and more mature members. It is most often used as a reference to the pastor of the congregation. 2. However, this instruction to younger refers to age. It means in recognition of an older persons maturity and experience. Note the verse does not say younger men or women it says just younger. Literally word younger means new as a new person, or fresh person. 3. It is contrary to a mans human nature to be submissive to anyone. It is a matter of pride that no one wants to be told what to do. The world says if we submit to anyone else we are inferior. It says we are less than they are and that it is belittling to follow someone else. 4. Yet, the bible tells us not to be conformed to the world or his erroneous ideas! Romans 12:2, says that we are to be transformed, by the renewing of our minds, that we might prove that is good, acceptable and perfect will of God. Christians have for too long accepted the worlds philosophies instead of living my Gods principles. God says to reject the sinful worlds false ideas. ILLUS: For example in Ephesians 5, God tells the wife that she should be in submission to her husband. Yet, many women feel God is unfair and that to submit is to be inferior. Clearly, the woman who is resentful of the God given responsibility of the husband and of the wifes subsequent position in the family is following the worlds path and not Gods. If she accepts Gods truth, she will understand how God made her and her role and purpose and know that it is no demeaning to be a loving wife. 5. All of us understand that if you work a job you have a supervisor or boss. That means you are below that person in rank or standing and they are in a higher position that you are. According to the worlds way of thinking that means the worker is inferior to his boss. 6. However, the Bible teaches quite differently. You can tell the spiritual maturity of a Christian by how he thinks about this matter. The Bible says God is not a respecter of persons. For there is no respect of persons with God. Romans 2:11 He does not see that any one is greater than anyone else and that includes man, woman, boss or anyone else. The mature Christian understand this truth and this effects his actions and relationship to others. The boss will not be overbearing of those he supervises or abuse them with his position, nor will the worker be resentful of his boss because he directs his work. God says in Colossians 3:17, 23-24, And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him. . . And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men, Knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ. 7. The pastor is no greater than any member or any member greater than the pastor in his responsibility to the Lord. No deacon (appointed servant) , trustee, teacher or church officers is greater or lesser in Gods eye than anyone else. Each of us has a responsibility to God and to each other. We each have job to do and no job is more important than any other job. Please note that this does not mean that a church does should not honor, respect and follow their pastor. God clearly instructs the members of a local church to give double honor the man of God and obey him in the Lord. 1 Timothy 5:17 Let the elders that rule well be counted worthy of double honour, especially they who labour in the word and doctrine. Hebrews 13:17 Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves: for they watch for your souls, as they that must give account, that they may do it with joy, and not with grief: for that is unprofitable for you. Each of us has a job to perform and a position to fill. In that position we work with other believers to carry out Gods will. A church is an organization constituted by God. The assembly is His because, He founded it and He organized it and died for it (Eph. 5:25). The congregation, which is a local assembly of believers, is not an organization formed by man. The New Testament is Gods Word, and He instructed His disciples how he was to form the church. He appointed the leaders and gave us the pattern with which we believers are to set up and carry out His Church. In the church, preaching is as important as teaching. The other offices are a necessary and important as any other. All, together are as a unit and as a team appointed to carry out the work of the Lord. C. If a child of God understands this point and obediently loves the Lord he should have no difficulty in following the pastor or the pastor should never feel he is to lord over the flock. 1. Younger Christians, in maturity and age should submit and follow those who are more mature or who are in positions of leadership. Paul told Timothy to lay hands suddenly on no man. 2. If you learn to follow well, you will in time become a good leader. Leaders are matured and trained followers. A good follower came become a good leader. 3. The word submit means to subordinate; reflexively, to obey: be under obedience (obedient), put under, subdue unto, (be, make) subject (to, unto), be (put) in subjection (to, under), submit self unto. D. God has removed the false idea that to submit is to be inferior. 1. To submit to the leadership of someone else is the mark of maturity. It is no problem when you understand that you are part of a team effort each with a particular responsibility. 2. The mature person sees the vision of the task that needs to be done and he sees the need for teamwork. 3. You know another word for submission? It is cooperation. It is a sharing of each others burdens in unity to see Gods work done. 4. The mature believer sees himself as the vital part of the team he in truth is. He does not consider or think of himself as inferior. WHY NOT. Because he is a child of God, not a child of the world! E. Peter continues and says, Yes, all of you be subject to each other! V5 1. He says cloth yourself with humility! 2. God resisteth the proud. When a man refuses to submit to others, he enters the realm of the unsaved, the realm of the carnal nature. It is sinful pride that refused to be submissive to anything unless forced to! 3. How many people hurt others feelings or get hurt because someone refuses to in love submit himself to a brother or sister in the Lord. How many times do people insist on having their way and running rough shod over others to accomplish it. F. The mature Christian is humble because he is following Christs example. 1. We are to be disciples! We are to pattern our lives after Christs. 2. In Matt. 5:5, Jesus said Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth. Why do you think the meek will inherit the earth? They have learned this truth and have grown and matured in Christ. They understand the truth that to submit is not to be inferior by to be cooperative. They have learned to put aside the burden their pride wants to weight them down with. They have learned the joy and deep satisfaction that comes from serving God with a common purpose. The are not offended when told to follow the leader that God provides. They are willing to follow or lead, what ever God ask of them to see Gods will accomplished. G. At times a follower questions the leader. Well who are you that we should follow you? 1. The question itself shows the immaturity and true spiritual condition of the person asking. It notes a rebellious heart. 2. What is the answer? I am no one, Christ is all and I am seeking to serve Him where He put me! I am only a sinner just like everyone else! A sinner to whom God gave the privilege and responsibility to lead. 3. Dear friends to follow the leaders of the local church and to submit to one to the to be submissive to Christ Himself! 4. Much that destroys the work of God is that which comes from folks wanting recognition. They criticize others and think that elevates them. ILLUS: In a church I pastored before I was their pastor they appointed a board of deacons. By the way, there is no board of deacons in Gods word and there is no office of a deacon. Deacons are appointed servants to particular menial tasks within an local church. They do not rule over the congregation the pastor or anyone else. Their appointment is to serve the congregation and meets its needs. This church I pastors had a group of men false called deacon who ruled the congregation. The head deacon, came to me and in no uncertain terms told me if I wanted anything done or wanted to bring something to the church I must first bring it to him and if he thought it was worthwhile he would bring it to the deacons of the church. As you can imagine, as a pastor called by God to live by the word of God, from that day forward he and I had a serious problem. Twenty years later the church still exists and has had nothing but trouble. Folks God does not bless those that disobey Him. These men used their unbiblical position to lord over the congregation and the pastor. They considered themselves superior to everyone else and took great pride in being a deacon. The carnal mind thinks that if it criticizes an other it is asserting that it is better than the one being taken to task. At the root of most criticism is the desire to harm, to hurt or bring down the other person. The carnal mind thinks that elevates itself. What a pity. 5. I Peter 4:1, it says we are to have the same mind as Christ. Even as He suffered for man that He might serve man by making the way of salvation, so God says we are also to have the same mind. H. Only God is ALMIGHTY AND RIGHTEOUS. ONLY HE CAN EXALT A MAN!! NO MAN CAN EXALT HIMSELF! You exalt yourself and you are headed for a fall! Many times it is God who will put such a person in their place. II. SUBMISSION TO GOD. V5-7 A. The Bible says we are to humble ourselves to God. 1. You see one reason some have a problem submitting to others is because they are not submitted to God. They rebel against the leadership that God appoints because they are at odds with the Lord. 2. The one submitted to God will obey God. B. A man will never be humble-minded in his relations with his fellow-believes unless he is and stays, humble-minded towards God. 1. Peter quoted Prov., 3:34 to emphasize Gods attitude toward the proud and toward the humble. Surely He scorns the scornful, but gives grace to the humble. Proverbs 3:34 James 4:6 says, But he giveth more grace. Wherefore he saith, God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble. The word resisteth means to be opposed, God has set himself against the proud and the arrogant, but gives Grace (favor) to the humble. The outward bent to pride in the life of a professing Christian is a indicator of a deeper spiritual problem. God says He is not in fellowship with those who live a life of pride. In fact He says He rejects them. 2. The person who is submissive to God will spring forward to serve every chance they get. ILLUS: I knew of an incident in which a pastor was attending a youth meeting at his church. Two rows away a young boy who had eaten too many hot dogs became sick and threw up. People moved to get away, but no one attempted to clean up the mess. The youth workers and members of the church just sat there waiting for someone else to move. The pastor watched curiously and then left his seat, got paper towels from the rest room and cleaned the mess up. Thats the way we all should be. Ready to do what ever is presented to us to do. Whether it is to clean up a mess that is repulsive or to stand in the light of public attention as a preacher or leader. Both are equally important. C. The mature believer does not trouble his mind with such things as who is getter than someone else. He casts his cares on God, for God he knows God cares for him. He know he is of value to the Lord. What ever position or task that God gives, he takes comfort and gladness that he is being faithful to his Savior! III. THE ENCOURAGED TO STAND FAST AND DO RIGHT. Verses 8-11 A. Although we are to rely on God and cast our cares on Him, we are not to be careless. We are to be sensible. 1. Be Alert!!! The devil is always ready to slip in and do his dirty work. 2. He seeks to undo and confuse the work of the Lord. 3. He will tempt you with pride and feeling of inferiority. 4. He will convince you that others are taking advantage of you if you enthusiastically do you job. 5. One of my favorite verses is 1 Corinthians 16:13-14, Watch ye, stand fast in the faith, quit you like men, be strong. Let all your things be done with charity. B. Folks never give place to the devil! 1. Understand that bickering, gossiping, complaining and always finding fault with others in the church or the pastor. It is of the devil. It causes confusion and division. 2. I was once talking with a Godly lady and in the conversation I made mentioned of some contention that had come up in the church. She said, Pastor, I dont know anything about it, I dont gossip! It made me ashamed that I had mentioned it and oh, if that was the attitude and practice of everyone. The gossip must have a hearer. Without an audience there is no gossip. Most times if someone is upset about something, if they would go to the person who upset them and explain and ask for an explanation the matter would be solved. Yet, people sometimes feel they need support, so the carry tale to others. God says if someone offends you then go to them and get the matter straight. It never helps to spread the thing all around. Consider this situation: Suppose you misunderstood the actions or statement of someone else. They did something innocently and you simply misunderstood. You go to them and ask them about it. They explain and you understand and the matter is settled. However, suppose instead you go to other people and express you ill feeling and tell everyone about it and express how you are offended. Then in time you come to understand what was really done or meant. The matter is settled and you understand what happened. Do you see the problem? How then do you go and correct the misunderstanding with those you went and gossiped too. How do you go and correct the matter with all those they went too. Do you go to everyone and correct the problem. Answer. Most times no. The person is slandered and the harm is done and never corrected. ILLUS: Morgan Blake, sportswriter for the Atlanta Journal wrote: I am more deadly than the screaming shell of the cannon. I win without killing. I tear down homes, break hearts, wreck lives, and destroy churches. I travel on the wings of the wind. No innocence is strong enough to intimidate me, no purity pure enough to daunt me. I have no regard for truth, no respect for justice, no mercy for the defenseless. My victims are as numerous as the sands of the sea and often as innocent. I never forget and seldom forgive. My name is Gossip. ILLUS: Once gossip to spread it is almost impossible to silence even after years. Abraham Lincolns coffin was opened twice. The first occasion was in 1887, twenty-two long years after his assassination. Why? You may be surprised to know it was not to determine if he had died of a bullet fired from John Wilkes Booths derringer. Then why? Because a rumor was sweeping the country that his coffin was empty. A select group of witnesses observed that the rumor was totally false, then watched as the casket was resealed with lead. The second time, fourteen years later, the martyred mans withered body was viewed again - this time by even more witnesses. Why again? For the same grim purpose! Rumors of the same nature had again implanted doubts in the publics mind. The pressure mounted to such proportions, that the same ghoulish, grotesque ceremony had to be carried out. In spite of the strong protests of Lincolns son Robert, the body was exposed a second time. Officials felt the rumors should be laid to rest along with the Civil War president. Finally - the corpse was permanently embedded in a crypt at Springfield. Dear friends Gossip and Rumor is a terrible thing, yet so many people relish in it and take pleasure from it.....God help such people! CONCLUSION: 1. Working together to carry on the work of the Lord is an act of a mature Christian who loves the Lord and wants Christ to be glorified. 2. If we are seeking to bring glory to the Lord, then we will be examining all we do to make sure that whatever it is it honors the Lord. 3. Casey Stengel said: Its easy to get good players. Getting em to play together, thats the hard part. Whats true in baseball is also true in the ministry of the local church. 4. I believe deep down most folks understand the these truths. They know the need to be cooperative one with the other. Yet, we all at times fail. Maybe not deliberately, but we fail. 5. What would help us is when we are hurt, when we disagree, when we feel hurt....take it to the Lord, for God cares. It is hard to harbor evil feelings toward someone in the presence of Christ. 6. When the gossip begins to unload on you. Ask them straight forth, Have you been to the person who offended you? Have you tried to settle the matter with them? IF they persist and offend the gossip will...then say, You are talking to the wrong person, go the them. 7. When there is a job to be done volunteer and get it done. Look for opportunities to help the church and others. God will bless you as your bless the church and we will see souls saved, lives changed and Gods will done.
Posted on: Tue, 19 Aug 2014 15:18:56 +0000

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