SAVING THE PEOPLE ON THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS… Some people on Face Book have been wondering where I have been lately... I HAVE BEEN TRYING TO SAVE THE WORLD OVER IN THE PHILIPPINES ISLANDS! I have not been there lately, but I have devoted a lot of my time searching for the American Children who were deserted by their American Fathers during the years: 1965-1975, at the time of the Viet Nam War. I joined a website site called Asian Dating.Com. In this website I looked over the pictures of various women trying to see the bone structure on their faces and the body features. If these women looked like they had Caucasian, Africa American or Mexican blood streaming through their very veins I was going to start donating funds to keep them out of poverty and find a way to feed their starving babies? For 1 month as a Member at that website, I sent emails to woman I felt was in need of a Patriot American, who still had a soul to never leave one of our own behind any enemy lines……………………… Throughout the thousands of Philippine Islands are women who are being abused by the Men who play GOD with their various lives. The Philippine men are beating their women for protesting them to run wild getting every woman they meet a new born child… The Philippine Government is not enforcing any of the Constitutional Laws that protect the female Rights as a living human being. For the past 2 months, the Philippine Islands have suffered Typhon after typhoon, destroying hundreds and thousands of villages. I will add some pictures with this letter to the world. Maybe there are some Rich, but not so greedy individuals out there… who can hear the cries of those who are in need, and will come join me in donating some funds to feed the starving babies lying in the mud????????????????? I know here in America, Millions of Citizens cannot, or will not see farther than down the street of their own Neighborhood? I have this sickness called: “GENEROSITY SYNDROME.” It is a brain thing! All my life I have had it in my mind that WE ARE ALL CONNECTED… WE SUPPOSE TO SHARE EVERYTHING WE DO NOT NEED, AND GIVE IT TO THOSE WHO REALLY NEED IT TODAY!!!! I see my close friends dying off now. They have a spouse, children and grandchildren. But did they ever go for the GOLDEN HEART AWARD???? “Mother Theresa” earned it! “Princess Diane” earned it! I AM WORKING ON EARNING IT? These people and thousands of other people like them had taken what little they had, AND SHARED IT WITH THE WORLD… I am going to receive a large VA Disability check soon, and I am off to the Philippine’s Islands to build a American Colony for our lost children and grandchildren who has been tagged as misfits for over 55 years now! If anyone is interested in joining me sometime in the future, Please do? I will build a website for those Fathers who are interested in finding their forgotten children. I will be set up for blood test and matching everyone’s DNA for results? My email is jaybaker8@yahoo. Feel free to drop me a note if you are interested in the GREATEST TREASURE HUNT OF ALL TIME! “FINDING THE LOST CHILD!”
Posted on: Thu, 05 Sep 2013 00:54:43 +0000

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