SAVING WILDLIFE TAKES A COLLABORATIVE EFFORT! 2 of the osprey currently in care are here as a result of people being careless when fishing. One was rescued 2 weeks ago as it hung by its leg from a hydro line. This 2nd osprey was also entangled in line and ended up hanging by its wing from a branch 125 feet off the ground. Both rescues were enacted by caring Fire Fighters. As onlookers held their breath, Rob Cousineau, Scott Elder & Ryan McIlmoyle coordinated the climb & rescue, cutting the branch and lowering the injured bird to safety. SOH Volunteer Angie Fox carefully cut the fishing line free of the wing, wrapped the bird up and transported him to our rehab for assessment and treatment. Ryan, as the bird was named, is recovering from his trauma. His wing is very swollen but time, medication & exercise will help him mend. He is looking forward to the fresh fish that we hope will arrive daily for him and the others in care. We ALL need to care just a little bit more! Be responsible when fishing ... or driving, boating, hiking, etc! Understand that everything you do will have an impact on something else down the line! THANK YOU to the people that called for help! THANK YOU to the Firefighters that donated their time & abilities! THANK YOU fisher people who are going to help us feed these guys until they are releasable! THANK YOU Angie for the great photos! ... and THANK YOU to each of you that will now go to the DONATE button to add your support for our work here at SOH!! Remember ... WILDLIFE MATTERS!!
Posted on: Thu, 14 Aug 2014 18:49:55 +0000

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