SAY A PRAYER FOR MR ARCH DEACON! As in life, so in death, the - TopicsExpress


SAY A PRAYER FOR MR ARCH DEACON! As in life, so in death, the thought of our children (tamariki) dying horrific deaths at the hands of an Anglican minister, to be then thrown into dirty old sacks and buried in secret by the lay ministers of the time (1818 to 1822) is a foul play that now needs be told. Crimes of this nature throughout history have been globally suppressed, but in this era of enlightenment we can say no more to this practice and the silencing thereof. Personally, I see the past as our learning ground and in some cases, these lessons are not to be repeated but remembered that we can from that day forth use what was learnt to create better living environments for our children and their future generations. However, today I am like a conduit for the screams of those lost and betrayed Maori children, crying out the only note I know best, to a deaf, blind and ignorant world. My refusal to do what a guilty society orders and requires of me, to keep it down, don’t talk like that, have closure and move on has and will keep this crime alive inside of me forever. It was never my intention to relay this piece of our history in such a manner, but today, the 8th of February 2014, the Anglican Minister of Te Wairua Tapu in Sydney, Malcom Karipa, like times of old, tried to silence me on stage at the Waitangi Day Celebration at Merrylands in Sydney, as he was afraid I would speak the TRUTH about this matter and what is really happening with the RANGIHOU Sacred Burial Site at Parramatta (Australia). The fact of the matter is, as on many occasions I came to koha (donate) my energies through song via my stage name as the ‘Black Rose’ for the church and the community, and it was never my intent to bring such a sensitive matter to light especially at such an event. I did however wish to share the exciting news regarding a bicentennial ceremony we are to hold on the 22nd of August, 2014 at Rangihou commemorating the day Hongi Hika landed at the site in Parramatta, Australia. With this in mind we need to understand there are certain people within our community who are deceiving the people into believing that Rangihou is a part of their proposed plan to build a Marae in the Prospect region (within 10km of Rangihou). They have taken the tapu korero (sacred stories) from Rangihou to twist and prop up their korero (story) for a Marae in another municipality. I am all for a Marae and have donated my services and organised events for these appeals on numerous occasions, however, I am about truth and will not stand idly by and watch truths become distorted to satiate people’s egos. I didn’t realise these people were so threatened by my presence on the stage. Their sudden actions and state of mind preceded them today. And to think the Anglican Minister went on Maori TV stating “he doesn’t think that our actions with council should be a problem”. If it and I wasn’t a problem, then why did he go into damage control to try and have me silenced and removed from the stage before I was even to perform? My ancestors awoke me to the fact of these injustices a couple of years ago and since then I have been a guardian of the Rangihou site and the children buried there. I continually stand on the frontline battling against the injustices wrought in regards to this site. I have been confronted with people of ego, working against me alongside the corporate body known as the “Parramatta City Council” and the Anglican Church while they try to hide these pieces of history. I will continue to stand with my tupuna (ancestors) and fight for that which is right in the hope that this burial site and our children are not lost to egos and the mighty dollar as the Council attempt to sell off the last vestiges of this site. I truly pray that the Anglican Minister of Te Wairua Tapu (Sydney) ‘Malcom Karipa’ seek out the ‘wairua tapu’ (spirit) within him, redeem his actions and rise to the occasion to work unified alongside us, instead of against, as ‘united we stand, divided we fall’. Everybody needs to stop being a party to the violation of the people through handouts and ego that only benefits the self and not the community. You are playing right into the hands of the system and their manipulative wiles. The system will continue to rise unabated when supported by actions supporting past injustices and it must now stop.
Posted on: Sat, 08 Feb 2014 20:11:21 +0000

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