SCHOOL CHOICE Choice, Not Spending, Is The Answer Cox and - TopicsExpress


SCHOOL CHOICE Choice, Not Spending, Is The Answer Cox and Alm write an excellent piece in the IBD about school choice. It makes so much sense; only the teachers unions can deny it. Liberals say that the government is great because it is a leader. After all, it invented the internet, along with Gore, a politician. But think what would have happened to the internet had it been forced to stay under government oversight, i.e., no private companies exploiting the technology. It would have gone nowhere. Yes with all its spending, government does come up with a few ideas but it surely knows nothing about commercializing the product and expanding its use to all the citizens. The same with education. And there, few new ideas ever come out of government schools. They may have new initiatives, like new math which eventually had to be discarded. But in general, we are teaching students just like we did 600 years ago. A teacher, a blackboard (now a whiteboard) and rows of students all supposedly behaving. People like the Khan Academy are showing different approaches, but even that is unlikely to go anywhere without the notion of profit. It got its funding from charity, donations from people who wanted to see something innovative. But it takes lots more than an idea. One has to market it, one has to continually improve the product, one has to keep leap-frogging the competition. That only comes when the users of the product pay for it on a large scale. That is not happening because the competition is a monopoly government. And it sucks out most all of the money for education. newsbalance/choice-not-more-spending-is-key-to-better-schools-2014-03-27.article
Posted on: Thu, 27 Mar 2014 17:15:29 +0000

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