SCHOOL OF BIBLE INFORMATION FOR ALL NATIONS (SOBIFAN LECTURE) TERRORISM: GOD’S OWN PERSPECTIVE Lesson 15 (Part 2) Date: 15th November, 2014 The advocates of the gospel solution to Terrorism may soon be proved right in the face of obvious resistance of terrorism to other man made solutions. The challenge before us today is will the world leaders accept this offer as workable ? Can Nations accept and sponsor the gospel of Jesus as National project and a tool to eradicate terrorism? CONTINUING…. (information of Terrorism). WHAT WORLD POLITICAL LEADERS DO NOT KNOW ABOUT TERRORISM 1. Terrorism is of God; He uses it to avenge himself of bad and sinful leadership of a people or nation. 2. He uses it to show example of his weapon in eradication of sin; sinners and Satan in his world that is supposed to be free from them. 3. Jesus called it “Rumours of war as one of the events of the Endtime period when God shall launch his sin eradication programme”. (Math 24:6). 4. Today we are in the end time harbinger (the beginning of sorrow. Math 24:6), the measure of terrorism we see is smaller than that of the Endtime proper (the full scale sorrows, Math 24:21-22). 5. World leaders and their political associate do not know this that terrorism can never; and will never end in the world by the arm of man but by God. 6. That God has set up a day when he shall stop terrorism in the world by his son Jesus Christ as written in Acts 17:31; and gave us assurance and hope it must be so by raising Jesus up from the dead as a proof. (Acts 17:31). 7. That day is not known by any human being born or yet to be born but by God only. And that day shall be nearer than tomorrow after rapture of the believers in Jesus. 8. After the rapture (taking believers in Jesus out of this sinful world by God’s miraculous way); God shall lunch his sin eradication programme; and drag the world to a final world war at Armageddon city in Israel. (Rev 16:14-16).There and then Jesus shall appear to destroy sin, sinners and Satan. 9. Then shall terrorism end and the world shall be free from sin, sinners and Satan. (Rev 20:1-3). World politicians do you hear this? WHAT THEN SHALL BE THE WAY OF ESCAPE FROM THE TERROR OF TERRORISM? 1. Well for the present situation it is good that politicians with their regular army shall continue to roll back the advance of the terrorists and their stinging bees and biting mosquitoes. 2. It is also good that political leaders should lead well and try to make economy, security and dividends of governance better for all people. 3. And also to stop political victimization of opponents and those they are leading. 4. Political leaders should embrace dialogue in all issues of governance than confrontation, victimization and oppression which God hates. 5. Above all let political leaders in all nations, even in united nations organization map out a big budget for the propagation of the gospel of Jesus Christ which has power to make a sinner a saint; the spiritually demonized to be free from evil bondage and ambition. SOMEBODY WILL ASK WHAT ABOUT THE CHURCHES EVERY WHERE TODAY PREACHING THE GOSPEL? 1. Can you name just one country today that is gospel preaching Christian nation or state? None; not even Israel nor Vatican city. 2. Have you discovered that sinners are more in number than saints in every nation?. And what can they do? 3. How many politicians are ready to endorse 50% of their national budget to the preaching of the gospel of Jesus for the change without talking of other religions? How ill God do… THIS THEREFORE BECOMES IMPOSSIBLE WITH MAN BUT POSSIBLE WITH GOD. WHY? WHEN? AND HOW? 1. Why it is impossible with man to wipe out terrorism and advocate for all nations support of the preaching of the gospel of Jesus Christ, making Christianity a national religion is because man is still sinful being; whose Spirit is separated from the true and Holy God. (Rom 3:23-24) (To be continued in the next SOBIFAN lecture with true info. on how God shall stop terrorism in the world. Be sure you read Rev Wilkey word of prophecy on religions Intolerance. 541. You make laws and break the same laws; you imprison those that break same laws. You promise peace and give war; heaven for hell and food for hunger. Be wise God is watching. Repent. 542. Mandela died over 100 Heads of states attended. When you die how many will attend. oh Politicians. Don’t seek great things for your self for Honour belongs to God. 543. Seek you first the Kingdom of God and His Jesus; and peace; joy; national security; economic growth and blessings shall be for you and your nations. 544. Speaking against religious intolerance; I see the evidence of kingdom against kingdom Jihadist movement in the middle east. Sunni against Shia and Shia against Sunni to no profit yet they are of one Muslim Religion. 545. Arise and come to your senses for religion kills but Jesus gives life abundantly for He is life, light, spirit and word. And His word came into the world to save mankind from demon of religion and sin. Repent and surrender to Jesus for lasting peace. 546. A time shall come soon when religious intolerance shall have temporary comfort in interfaith religiosity an advanced form of ecumenism in the hand of one religious world leader. 547. Then shall religion marry politics which is the great desire of world religious leaders in their cries: Make America Catholic, make the world Islam. 548. Then shall a powerful religions leader emerge with politics and religious power to control all religious and nations of the world with mandate to kill those whose names are not in the book of life. 549. Rapture is a game changer. Once it takes place the history of Israel and Muslim world will change in the middle East. 550. I see the leader of interfaith religiosity enter into a Jewish temple and giving a world changing sermon that enthroned him as God to the surprise of the Jews and nations of the world.
Posted on: Sat, 15 Nov 2014 19:32:15 +0000

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