SCHOOL OF BIBLE INFORMATION FOR ALL NATIONS (SOBIFAN LECTURE) COMPARATIVE ENDTIME STUDIES ISSUES AND ANAYLYSIS SHALL THERE BE NEW HEAVEN/ EARTH/ HELL IN FUTURE? LESSON 13 (PART 13) DATE: 13th Sept, 2014. Many people find it difficult to believe that one fateful day this world will pass away with its wonderful civilization. The scientists may or may not believe it though they talk about the shift in Ozone layer and climatic condition. There is a lot of evidence in the Holy Bible, that God shall destroy this world and create a new one. In doing this, third Heaven and Hell that are invisible shall not be destroyed like the visible earth; but shall be enlarged and transformed: 3rd Heaven being most Heavenly and Hell being most evilly and deadly. How this shall be is what we shall concern ourselves in this lecture. Continuing: Let us begin with this all important revealing scripture in Hebrew 12: 26-29. “Whose voice then shook the earth: But now he hath promised, saying yet once more I shake not the Earth only, but also Heaven” ( which Heaven is referred here? Sure the visible Heaven above the visible Earth we stand) In verse 27, he continued “And this word, yet once more signified the removing of those things that are made (visible to eyes) that those things which cannot be shaken (invisible 3rd Heaven and Hell) may remain.” We now see it clearly; God shall destroy the visible Heaven and Earth that make up the world we live today which we can see, but shall preserve the invisible 3rd Heaven and Hell for future eternity because they are spiritual. WHAT SCIENTISTS CANNOT DO GOD WILL DO IT SOON BEGINNING WITH SIN ERADICATION PROGRAMME When God created the Earth; you must note this well; that the Earth was free from sin. “God saw everything that he made, behold it was very good” (Gen 1:31) Nothing bad was in the world of the Earth region until this advent of sin. It was the Angelic sinners from Hell led by Satan that introduced sin in the sin free world of the Earth (Gen 3:1-24). And since then Hell and its evils have invaded the Earth. BUT GOD IS IN CONTROL: 1. To eradicate sin, sinners and Satan the stake holders of earth pollution. 2. To restore the Earth region to a sin free world like in His original plan of work. 3. To destroy the sin free Earth region of our world which we now see and live in. 4. To create a new Earth out of eternal region that shall be invisible, spiritual but super natural for all the sin free people and Angels to live, world without an end. SIN IS THE BONE OF CONTENTION God has plans to deal with sin finally. Paul said, “All have sinned and come short of the glory of God” (Rom 3:23). And Isaiah declared “Sins have separated between you and your God”. Because of sin, Moses said “God cursed the ground to produce sorrow”. (Gen 3:17) Until sin is removed from man and the ground; the Earth can never be at peace and at its best for mankind. Scientists can never do this, only God can. It is He that created the sin free world that can remove sin from it. He alone knows the science and technology of doing it. HE STARTED WITH MANKIND: 1. The first generation of Adam and Eve he made sin free by animal blood whose skins He made coats that covered their sins. (Gen 3:21). 2. The second generation of Abel and Seth he made sin free by acceptance of good animal sacrifice from the hand of Abel. (Gen 4:3). 3. The third generation of Noah he made sin free by entering into the Ark (Gen 7:7) 4. The fourth generation of Abraham he made sin free by entering into a covenant of circumcision (Gen 17: 10-14) 5. The fifth generation of Moses he made sin free by giving them law to observe (Ex 19:5-8) 6. The sixth generation of Christian believers in Jesus Christ, he made sin free by faith in the death; and resurrection of Jesus Christ. (John 1:10-12 and 29, Rom 10:8- 13. Rom 6:14-18). This is our generation. THE GENERATION OF BELIEVERS IN JESUS IS OUR GENERATION Today all that believe in Jesus are sin free because the spirit of Jesus lives in them. (3 Joh 3:8-10). Jesus will come soon to remove them from this sinful Earth according to his promise. (Joh 14:1-3; I Thess 4:13-18). This is the event we call rapture- the game changer. THEN SIN ERADICATION WILL START God shall use all necessary means to wipe away sin, sinners and Satan in the world. He will release on earth the spirit of sickness and diseases; wars and terrorism; earthquakes and flood; sea pollution, eclipse of sun and moon that shall wipe away the world population gradually in their millions. (Rev 16:1-27, Math 24: 1- 31). The last weapon that shall break the Carmel’s back on sinners shall be like nuclear tear gas as commanded by Jesus. (Rev 19: 15-16) with which Angels shall use to pollute the oxygen of the air, choking all sinners; saving few survivors in all nations mainly virgins. (Rev 7:1-9; 14:5). And Satan shall be chained in bottomless pit of Hell for 1000years (Rev 20:1-7). This shall make a way for Jesus and the raptured Christian believers to reign over the sinless Zionists in a sin free world of the Earth for 1000years. (Rev 20:4-6). A NEW EARTH REGION TO BE CREATED At the end of the 1000years reign of Jesus on the sin free world of the Earth region; Satan will be released to tempt some Zionists into sin. Then God will use fire from Heaven to destroy the sin free Earth. (Rev 20:9). In its place He shall create a new Heaven and Earth, this time, invisible; spiritual and supernatural to accommodate all the sinless Christian believers; sinless, saints of all ages; sinless angels, God the father and Jesus the son in a sinless world without an end. Will you be there? The choice is yours. (Join Us in the Next SOBIFAN with Interesting Bible Information on Christology- THE MYSTERY OF JESUS) (Read REV. WILKEY Word Of Prophecy). 451. The second place the invisible you could end up is in the place of sorrow and pain with the evil and sinful spirit personality. 452. Hi friend! as I presented to you a place of comfort and sorrow to go at death, which one do you choose to go? Please don’t make mistake. 453. We know at death your body shall go to the zone of oxygen or carbon dioxide according to your “evidence” belief system. 454. But to your invisible soul, you don’t end up in oxygen or carbodioxide zones. You have a choice to make now you are alive. Be careful! 455. The choice is simple. The great sinless spirit personality has given power and authority to His son to determine who comes to Him. 456. This son of the Great sinless spirit like your invisible soul entered into the body of a man called Jesus Christ. 457. The son of the invisible, sinless spirit called Jesus died for your invisible soul in other to pay for the cost of your evil and sinful life. 458. The reason why the son of the sinless spirit died is to forgive all your sins to qualify you enters into His father’s invisible country. 459. After the man Jesus died, he rose from death by power of the invisible sinless spirit personality called God. Today He is alive but invisible. 460. Jesus is invisible in existence to save your soul from going to invisible prison, a zone of sorrow and untold pain to live in fear and uncertainty.
Posted on: Sat, 13 Sep 2014 15:30:26 +0000

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