SCIENCE FICTION PERFORMER FEATURE, EPISODE 4: BLANCHE DEBRIS Blanche DeBris American Treasure, Always High-Class! Grew up: I grew up on a ranch, with a lot of mommies. Im not exactly sure where, but it might have been Nevada. Lives in: Las Vegas! Q: Do you consider yourself a geek or nerd? Why? A: Which one is the one that doesnt have many friends at first but then all of a sudden discovers there are people just like them in the world and so they all get together and watch movies and play games and generally rejoice in each others company? Thats the one I am. Q: Which fictional character inspires you the most and why? A: Oh jeez... I love so many Pixar and Disney film characters, that its hard to even admit they arent real. I dont want to believe they arent real! Q: Do you have any geeky or nerdy hobbies, usual or unusual? A: Is burlesque a geeky hobby? Because I guess that would be it. I also like tap dancing and watching baby animal videos. Q: Which of your burlesque acts do you enjoy performing the most? A: I love performing whatever act the audience enjoys the most! Lately, it seems my Sound of Music in Six Minutes is really making a lot of people all over the place very happy, which makes me extremely pleased. Because nothing is better than someone else thinking your silly idea is not silly at all. Q: What is your deepest, darkest nerdy/geeky secret? A: Um, so... way before the internet, there were fan clubs you had to write to. Youd find the address by reading the sci-fi magazines and comic books. So I was a member of the original Star Wars Fan Club. They would send you, in the mail, printed newsletters called Bantha Tracks. And I got a very limited print poster of Revenge of the Jedi before they changed the name of the movie. And up until recently, I always carried my original Star Wars Fan Club Membership Card in my pocketbook, but someone convinced me it was too valuable to carry around, so now its in my special keepsake box at home.
Posted on: Tue, 29 Apr 2014 17:44:21 +0000

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