SCIENCE OR RELIGION ? WHAT DO YOU CHOOSE ? JPP01/01/15 ============================ Philmore Carter WHY DID SCIENCE HAVE TO GO AND MESS THINGS UP FOR RELIGION?! Had it not been for science, the earth would have still been flat: We would have had to put An iron fence around the edges to prevent us from falling off. Had it not been for science, the sun would still be orbiting the earth: The sun would still be going down into the sea at nights to cool off so it could get a fresh start the next morning. Had it not been for science, the stars would still be little holes in the floor of heaven, so god could spy on us here on earth. Had it not been for science, the moon would still have its own light; and would not have to sell its light to the sun. Had it not been for science, unicorns, talking snakes, and talking donkeys would be our favorite pets: Dogs and cats would have to quickly learn how to speak if they wanted to remain our favorite pets. Had it not been for science, we would have the softest angel feathers in our pillows instead of goose feathers. Had it not been for science, fish would still have the right to rent out their stomach as luxury living quarters for human-beings to live in for more than 3 days. There would be no homelessness on earth. Had it not been for science, people would still be using their heart to think: And those people who are today living with artificial hearts would be considered brainless. Had it not been for science, thunder would still mean that god is just moving his furniture around in heaven. Had it not been for science, people who suffer from epileptic seizures would still be posses by ghost, and could only be healed by drinking holy water. Had it not been for science, I would be posting this status update by messenger pigeons, instead by the internet. I could go on forever, but I am positive that you get the idea by now. If it was not for science, religion would make the world a much better place to live…DAMN YOU SCIENCE--SHAME ON YOU! AKHENATEN.> The Ghetto Messiah. ================================= JPP01/01/15
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 02:45:28 +0000

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