SCIENCE vs. SCIENTISM by Kirk Hastings I am absolutely - TopicsExpress


SCIENCE vs. SCIENTISM by Kirk Hastings I am absolutely astounded how many people out there (especially diehard atheists and secularists) seem to willfully misunderstand what science really is, and what it isnt -- and how many people write in to tell me that its ME who doesnt understand what science and Darwinian evolution is all about (even though Ive been diligently studying this subject for over 37 years now), just because I dont happen to agree with their personal take on it. Most of these people are guilty of Scientism -- they have decided that they want to deny God, and have then turned to a twisted version of science in order to intellectually justify that decision. Then they falsely state that science drove them to disbelieve in God, when its really the other way around -- they chose to disbelieve in God FIRST, and then turned to a false version of science afterward in order to justify that belief. In the process they make a religion out of science, when true science was never meant to fulfill that particular function in life. But the problem is, true science DOESNT disagree with what the Bible tells us about God -- so atheists and Darwinists have to twist the meaning of science in order to get it to at least SOUND like it supports their position. Amazingly enough, there are also many professional scientists who do the EXACT same thing, because some of THEM have decided (for moral or other reasons) that they want to deny God too -- and then they twist science to support their point of view as well. Too many atheists and secularists wrongly assume that all scientists (especially those who believe in Darwinism!) are totally objective, unbiased, and unprejudiced all the time; that somehow they are above the rest of us human beings in that regard, and they never make mistakes. Atheists and secularists like to call themselves skeptics all the time, but its interesting to me how often they blindly accept everything anyone who might call himself a scientist says without any reservation whatever. (If a scientist says it, that settles it, I believe it!) For all you atheists/secularists/Darwinists out there, here are some FACTS concerning science: 1) True science has NEVER proved that Darwinian macro-evolution (descent through modification via natural selection) has ever happened. It HAS proved that limited change within a species (i.e., environmental adaptation, or micro-evolution) happens. It has NEVER proved that one ever leads to the other. 2) True science has NEVER proved that strict materialism is true, and that the supernatural does not exist. 3) True science has NO explanation for where the universe originally came from, or what created it, or why it exists. We DO know for sure that that which is physical CANNOT create itself, and that the laws of physics could NOT have created themselves from nothing. 4) True science has NOT proved how old the earth is. 5) True science has NO explanation for the human mind, individual human consciousness, and human reasoning. 6) True science CANNOT explain why we are moral-oriented creatures. 7) True science has NOT proved that God does not exist. Many of the misbeliefs referred to above are philosophical assumptions and personal opinions based on a small amount of circumstantial scientific evidence -- NOT proven science. Atheists have NO business insisting that science proves their point of view, and that it disproves belief in God. It does not. That is beyond the scope of true science. For answers to THOSE types of questions we must turn to philosophy, theology, and religion. People in the past understood the difference between philosophy, theology, and science -- modern people have seriously blurred those lines today to the point where NONE of those pursuits have clear boundaries any longer. But the boundaries remain, whether we acknowledge them or not. Reality is what it is; it is not subject to our personal whims, opinions, feelings, or biases. Of course, despite everything I have said here, no doubt some militant atheists will STILL write in and insist Youre wrong! Im right! Science has proved that religion is bunk! Fine. Believe what you want. But I know better. And so do many other people (including a fair number of TRULY objective scientists).
Posted on: Mon, 20 Jan 2014 17:11:20 +0000

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