SCIENTISTS CLAIM THEY ARE GROWING UP - ACCEPTING TRASHED WISDOM OF OLD! Mysterious lightning flashes that appear to predict earthquakes could be sparked by movements in the ground below, US scientists say. Unidentified glowing objects were spotted moments before major quakes in China and Italy recently. Stories of earthquake lights have been recorded for 300 years, but were typically dismissed by scientists as hearsay, or fodder for UFO enthusiasts. However in recent decades - and with the advent of YouTube - sightings of clear-sky lightning have been captured, analysed, and confirmed by scientists. We want to know - why does this lightning appear sometimes but not others? said Prof Shinbrot. Theyve found there do seem to be precursors for some large earthquakes - magnitude 5 or higher. But the voltage signal is not always the same. Sometimes its high and sometimes its low. Clearly there is a lot yet to be understood. MY TAKE: Kids. Give them some space. Let them learn! I remember, my aunt, who lived near Golden Beach, Chennai, saying that she had seen a mysterious light appear in the horizon few days before the great Tsunami. I believe these are charges that come from outside the earth’s atmosphere - owing to the magnetic pulls caused by planetary positions - which results in calamities…
Posted on: Thu, 06 Mar 2014 05:49:28 +0000

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