SCREAM AND SCREAM AGAIN, which began filming May 5 1969, was one - TopicsExpress


SCREAM AND SCREAM AGAIN, which began filming May 5 1969, was one of the greatest successes for Hammers rival Amicus, a co-production with American International Pictures, guaranteeing their contract star Vincent Price to head up a fine cast. It was producer Louis M. Heywards idea to sign both Peter Cushing and Christopher Lee for added marquee value, invariably assuring a disappointing watch for first time viewers, as neither is allowed major roles to compete with Prices mad scientist Dr. Browning, himself barely in the film before the slam-bang climax. No doubt a film that improves on repeat viewings, an overlooked gem from director Gordon Hessler, which made a strong impression on German pioneer Fritz Lang. Synthetic beings are being created in the operating room of Dr. Browning, including one, Keith (Michael Gothard), leading police on a wild chase by preying on young women, every one drained of blood. Alfred Marks seems to have the largest amount of screen time as Det. Superintendent Bellaver, a scene stealing tour de force with many amusing lines, some of which were ad-libbed. There is a jogger mysteriously losing body parts throughout, until only his head is left in Brownings freezer. Another thread deals with an unnamed, Nazi-type police state run by politicians being systematically killed off by a super strong military thug named Konratz (Marshall Jones). At the 31 minute mark, Christopher Lee enters as Fremont, bartering with the nasty Konratz for the safe return of a downed British flier. Before that, Peter Cushings only scene, at the 26 minute mark, finds him playing Major Heinrich Benedek, utterly appalled at Konratzs record, his unquestioned devotion to the cause tempered by his sadistic tendencies, and torturing of prisoners (including Yutte Stensgaard, LUST FOR A VAMPIRE). Benedek intends to dismiss the evil Konratz, only to fall victim to what critics accurately described as STAR TREKs Vulcan nerve pinch, putting him out just after three minutes on screen. Reading reports, carefully pondering the facts, lighting up a cigarette, smoking in between lines spoken with just a trace of a German accent, its quite an expert performance for just a cameo, proving the old adage, there are no small parts, only small actors. Its certainly a better role than Lees Fremont, though the latter does get to share the screen with Price in the final showdown. Cushings next film opposite Price found him in an even smaller part, in DR. PHIBES RISES AGAIN. Next up for Cushing, again opposite Christopher Lee, would be ONE MORE TIME.
Posted on: Fri, 11 Jul 2014 08:54:53 +0000

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