SCRIPTURE: And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our - TopicsExpress


SCRIPTURE: And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion… Genesis 1:26 THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: God specialises in turning nonentities to celebrities and ‘nobodies’ into ‘somebodies’. The mission statement of God for man has never changed. What He seemed to have meant in our anchor Scripture is, ‘Whoever sees man should be reminded of how I look.’ What then is the image or likeness of God? God is a God of authority and dominion. He is an outstanding God who has no successful competitor or opponent. That was why when satan thought he could oppose God, his downfall was eventually sealed. God says, ‘Let me make people to have dominion and be in authority. Anywhere they are, let them be in charge’ (Gen. 1:28 paraphrased). God specialises in turning nonentities to celebrities and ‘nobodies’ into ‘somebodies’. This is because He who can turn colourless, tasteless water into wine can never find it difficult to turn a colourless, tasteless life and destiny into a colourful, tasteful life. Abraham was a confirmed outstanding failure who was still living in his father’s house at the age of seventy-five before God called him. His life had no colour, and was without form and void. Nobody knew his name until God pulled him out, and not only made him great but brought greatness out of him. Therefore, reject sickness, mediocrity, existence as a captive and existence in frustration the way you reject sin. Reject anything that compromises and contradicts the image of God in you. Remember this: God specialises in turning nonentities to celebrities and ‘nobodies’ into ‘somebodies’. ASSIGNMENT (S): 1. Daily move in the consciousness that you are created in the image of God. 2. Never give up on yourself. Continually look up to God to accomplish what He has already started in you. PRAYER: Lord, I reject mediocrity and anything that does not make me look like You, in Jesus’ Name. DAILY READING: MORNING: Gen. 35:1-36: 43; Mt. 12:1-21 EVENING: Ps. 15:1-5; Prov. 3:21-26 QUOTE: The degree of authority and influence you command in your generation is what determines the extent to which people are going to listen to you.
Posted on: Sat, 17 Jan 2015 06:04:38 +0000

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