SCRIPTURE: [Archive from September 18, 2002] “A man’s spirit - TopicsExpress


SCRIPTURE: [Archive from September 18, 2002] “A man’s spirit sustains him in sickness but a crushed spirit who can bear?” (Proverbs 18:14) This verse kept coming back to my mind than the rest of the verses in Proverbs 18. I learned 2 things about a man’s spirit. Here man is implied to be man and woman. To make it easy on me I just used him, his, etc 1. If it is healthy, it can sustain him in sickness. 2. If it is crushed, sickness will prevail and it would be hard to bear. As I read this verse, yesterday’s Pitt News column [September 17, 2002] by Todd Martin came to my mind. He wrote about his depression, despair, and almost destruction from where he was to where he is now. He also gave reasons why. Regardless of what our belief is regarding his actions, I wanted to focus on man’s spirit because that is what was affected in him. Also, it is because it took me to a time when this verse so much described me. I started to think about ‘what is sickness’ to understand what man’s spirit can help sustain. What came to my mind were 3 things: Physical sickness Psychological sickness Spiritual sickness Then I thought about how man’s spirit has a part in each of these areas: Point 1: Physical sickness If a person is physically sick, if his spirit is strong, he can endure through the sickness no matter what sickness it is. When I say endure, I mean dealing with it to the end. But if his spirit is not strong but broken because of his sickness, the sickness will take over that person and dominate his life. Then the person will not be able to bear with it. In situations like this ‘failure and giving up’ become easy concepts to hold on to. It is possible for death to come into the picture too much quicker L Point 2: Psychological sickness If a person is psychologically sick, if his spirit is strong, he is able to deal with the psychological disorder much more efficiently than if his spirit is crushed. For example, a person who is dealing with depression will be able to handle it more effectively if his spirit is in working order than one whose spirit is crushed. In moments like this suicide easily becomes an option because of the crushed spirit and not being able to bear with what comes. Point 3: Spiritual sickness If a person is spiritually sick, if his spirit is strong, he can endure through the spiritual sickness more efficiently than if his spirit is crushed. My definition of spiritual sickness is not feeling close to the Lord and having doubts permeate your spiritual life including having a stagnant walk in your faith. In essence, that person has become spiritually sick. A man’s spirit that is healthy will deal with it and try to overcome this sickness with the Lord’s Spirit working in him and holding on to the faith as a child. On the other hand, a person whose spirit becomes crushed will not be able to bear with this situation making him give up on the Lord and the faith that he acquired. Then he will go his own way doing his own things or seeking the Lord and finding help. It is because he had a crushed spirit or healthy spirit. Two examples are Peter and Judas. Peter dealt with his spiritual sickness in a positive way after denying Jesus with his words but Judas Iscariot dealt with his spiritual sickness in a negative way after denying Jesus with his actions of betrayal. Peter lived and became a great apostle and saint while Judas killed himself leaving a bad stench behind. These 3 sicknesses can describe what Todd Martin shared regarding his experiences through life. I believe he dealt with those 3 experiences in a negative way after his spirit got crushed and still is dealing with it in a negative way. That is my opinion. On April 10, 2000 an incident happened in my life that I can remember it as if it happened yesterday. I still have the inner scars from it and reoccurring situations have opened these scars than completely closed them. That day my spirit was crushed and it affected me in a negative way and brought me all 3 types of sicknesses because my spirit could not bear with it what happened to me. After that, physically I became sick and did not care being on the bed all the time. I was hurt and tried to sleep away what happened but that did not change it. In the process that sickness brought about psychological sickness of depression. I was so depressed what happened that I let the depression rule me for days. Sins filled my life to deal with the situation. The hurt slowly turned to bitterness and frustration which affected me so much that it brought about spiritual sickness because my spirit was crushed. In the process, I was so mad with the Lord for allowing this to happen that I did not want to have anything to Christianity or the Lord. For that to happen, I was deeply hurt but I handled it the wrong way Sadly, what human beings did to me I projected it on the Lord and did not want anything to do with the Lord in my crushed spirit. All I could think about is how the Lord could even allow that to happen. I started to blame the Lord for human beings actions especially because they were supposed to be Christians and not act that way. Later I had to go to work at the Marketplace. That evening was the hardest time I ever faced because it was so hard for me to be joyful and make students smile when I was crushed on the inside. Usually, I try to make the students smile and laugh when they come through the line but that day they knew something was wrong and tried to cheer me up. If I allowed my spirit to be crushed to this day, I do not know where I would have been now. The pain is still there but this verse reminded me of where I found hope. A crushed spirit would have remained crushed without intervention. But, the good thing is there was intervention in my life and that helped me deal with the pain in a positive way. To this day if I say I am healed, I would be lying for the scars of having a crushed spirit that day continue but I also have hope because the Lord’s Holy Spirit intervened in my life to make my spirit healthy enough to function again in all 3 areas of life and deal with those 3 sickness in a positive way. Why am I even sharing this incident with you all? First, to say it is so sad when people feel so condemned by Christians that their faith is affected even though it should not be. As Christians, we do make mistakes and hurt others but I learned we are to show love more to those who are sick in word and deed. Jesus told the Pharisees that it is the sick that need the doctor and not the healthy and that he came for the sick. This does not mean that we condone the action but love the person and show disapproval towards the action. Finally, it is because I saw other important implications for our life here. A crushed spirit no one can bear by themselves. But when our crushed spirit is repaired by the Lord’s Spirit, there is joy on the inside. Yes, the pain could still be there but the Lord’s joy and intervention can take over. This is what happened to me. Even though I tried to abandon the Lord, He never abandoned me in my pain. If anything, He has helped me more than I could have imagined through revealing Himself to me in a dream and using people in my life such as my mommy, my Pastor Andrew Gill, and my former staff worker Kent Walley, who is a Pastor. The Lord has used them to help me in my life even to this present day. There are times my spirit does get crushed and hurt but I know as I lean on the everlasting arms of the Lord, He will get me through. It is unbelievable the stuff I pour out on my mommy and my pastor. Sometimes, he stays for hours just listening. Sometimes just listening is a great help. I ask you now dear friends, where are you C.R.U.S.H.E.D in? Dear friends, whatever reason your spirit maybe crushed, it does not have to be that way. If you let it remain crushed, you will miss out so much on life. Rather your life will be dominated by the negative side of physical, spiritual, and psychological sickness. I don’t know if you are crushed about something but regardless of what it is, I want you to know if it is academic, behavior, relational, career, family related etc, the Lord sees you in your pain. He knows what you are going through and what has caused it. He has the power to intervene in your life friend. Yes, He does! He can reach us in our wounds where we are for He is our Wounded Healer and the friend of a wounded heart. There is a wonderful song by Wayne Watson called, “Friend of a Wounded Heart’. Take to Him whatever it is and there is no point projecting blame on the Lord. We live in a sin filled society and human beings mess up thinking they might be doing right. In the process other people get hurt but the Lord sees it and He can turn things around for the better. Things may not be what we want them to be but I know as we lean on the Lord He can bring something much more wonderful and beautiful. Even today, I asked the Lord for help through this pain. That one incident changed so many things. I believe the Lord has the power to restore anything anywhere in His timing whatever the situation is. If the situation is not to our liking, it could be because it is not the Lord’s timing yet or that He has something much better and beautiful. May you know the One that loves you so much was crushed for your iniquities to set you free! Jesus loves you so much that nails crushed through His hands and feet for you. No matter what you are going through, you will never be out of his love and He will be the Lord of your past. If there is a sin that you are faced with, don’t give up for there is redemption and hope available. By the Lord’s wounds and stripes we are healed. Claim the promises of the Lord and if you can get hold of these 2 other songs too called “Never Out of His Love” by Al Denson and“Lord of the Past” by Bob Ben(n)ett (sp?), I highly encourage you to listen to those words. Crushed Realities Until Savior’s Healing Encouragingly Delivers! (C.R.U.S.H.E.D)/”Where are you C.R.U.S.H.E.D in?” Prayer: Dear Jesus, I thank you how much you love us and care for us. We are never out of your love and never out of your mind. No matter how far I have gone you have always come to reach me though I have been a prodigal. Oh Lord, I love you so much. Thank you for knowing when we are crushed in spirit and you intervene as we seek you. Oh Lord, I thank you for the help you send our way too. You Oh Lord are a God of love and compassion. Though we are hurt badly, you are there to give us hope and comfort. You are the Lord of our past and can make something come out of the past. Lord, I thank you that no matter what situation has crushed us, you are there to pick us up and take care of us. Thank you for being crushed and broken to save us. You shed your blood on the cross for us that we may have life. Help us please Lord to live for thee and to serve thee. We are sorry for our sins Lord and ask you to please forgive us and be the Lord of our life. We ask you for your Holy Spirit to work in our spirit that we can be controlled by your Holy Spirit as we willingly give ourselves to you surrendering all that we are and will be. Take us as we are and use us for your glory. Whatever your will, please give us the strength and willingness to bear it. Thank you Jesus. In Your Precious Holy Name I Pray Jesus! Amen! If you want to give your life to the Lord and make Him Lord of your life, please dont wait. You can ask Him into your life right now. A Christians road in life is not easy nor peachy but it is worth it. Belonging to the One who created you and loves you with unconditional love is the one you need to belong too. No matter what you have done or where you have been, the Lord reaches out to you with His loving arms of love. If you have been a Christian and feel like you have gone away from the Lord, you can come back to Him and rededicate your life to Him. He will take you in and love you with unconditional love. Do not let guilt stop you from coming to the Lord. He loves you so much and cares for you! Come, Come to the Lord! Prayer: Dear Lord Jesus, I do not know everything I need to know about you. But, I heard that you love me so much and you are the Light. You said if I come to you, I will not stay in darkness. I come to you Lord as I am with all my baggage. I ask you to take it all from me and give me a new beginning. I know all the sins in my life have affected me and I need you now. I am willing to give my life to you and ask you for forgiveness. Please forgive me of my sins and come into my heart. Please make my heart your home. Live in me Jesus and I choose to live for you and serve you the rest of the days of my life. There are certain habitual sins in my life that you alone can help me overcome and I rely upon you. Thank you Jesus. I thank you that you want to be my Lord and Personal Savior. Please be in control of my life. I thank you when you forgive me, you give me a new clean slate and I can have a new beginning. I confess you as my Lord and Personal Savior and believe in my heart that you died for me and rose again to give me eternal life that I can one day spend eternity with you forever. Thank you Jesus! Thank you, you have heard my prayer and answered me. I belong to you and you will take care of me. Thank you Jesus! In Your Name I Pray Jesus! Amen! You may have felt something, you may have not, but the important thing to know is that Jesus Christ is in your life! Dont just go by feelings. If you have prayed this prayer and meant it genuinely in your heart, you made one of the most important decisions in your life. Please let me know as I would like to send you a free booklet or give it to you in person, to help you in your daily walk with the Lord. I have read this booklet more than 20 times. Feel free to email me at reddy4hisglory2004@yahoo if you want to meet to study the Bible, pray with, talk about Spiritual issues or whatever is on your mind! My number is 412-641-9426 This is my work and I can do it only because Christs mighty energy is at work within me. (Colossians 1:29, TLB).... Editors Note: This devotional was originally published in Pittsburgh Standard on Wednesday, September 18, 2002. It is being republished today with any revisions ITALICIZED. The entire devotional with previous devotionals and background song can be accessed at pittsburghstandard/AUG2014/EXPRESSIONS/DEVOTIONALS/091802CRUSHED.htm
Posted on: Thu, 07 Aug 2014 11:49:19 +0000

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