SCRIPTURE SHARE TODAY COMES FROM MATTHEW CHAPTER 10. I WANT TO SHARE THE PRECEDING VERSE AND THE VERSE THAT COMES AFTER OUR FOCUS SCRIPTURE AS WELL; WHICH IS TODAY IS VERSE 27. THANK you and GOD bless. Now let’s go to Matthew 10:26 – 28 and focus on the WORD of Our LORD! Matthew 10:26-28 reads as follow: ”(v.26) Fear them not therefore: for there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; and hid, that shall not be known. (v.27) What I tell you in darkness, that speak ye in light: and what ye hear in the ear, that preach ye upon the housetops. (v.28) And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.” The reason I share this particular SCRIPTURE and SPECIFICALLY VERSE 27 with you all here today is because the FATHER has been SPEAKING to my heart and in my EAR, and HAS BEEN STIRRING UP IN MY Spirit and RECALLING THIS and BRINGING IT BACK TO (AND TO) MY REMEMBRANCE the time in the BIBLE (GOD’S HOLY WORD and unto us…BASIC INSTRUCTRIONS BEFORE LEAVING EARTH – GOD’S MANUAL FOR DAILY AND HOLY LIVING IN OUR LIVES) the time in the BIBLE when the CHILDREN OF ISRAEL (GOD’S HOLY AND CHOSEN, SET APART, PECULIAR PEOPLE) were in the wilderness for forty years and while GOD was feeding them with MANNA FROM HEAVEN EVERYDAY and PROVIDING FOR THEM and KEEPING THEM DAILY how they still complained and murmured so much so that it ANGERED GOD to the point that HE destroyed SOME OF HIS VERY PEOPLE AND POSSESSION and instructed Moses to raise Joshua up and to ANOINT and APPOINT him in place of leadership so to lead GOD’S PEOPLE, THOSE (I BELIEVE WERE EITHER) 21 OR 20 YEARS OLD AND YOUNGER into the PROMISED LAND as Moses, although was not destroyed and killed by GOD, was NOT PERMITTED TO ENTER INTO THE PROMISED LAND that GOD SHOWED him and ALLOWED FOR Moses to SEE and/or to LOOK UPON BECAUSE OF Moses’ DISOBEDIENCE TO GOD WHEN he DECIDED OR CHOSE TO (out of anger) TO PLEASE THE PEOPLE OF GOD RATHER THAN GOD HIMSELF WHO GAVE MOSES SPECIFIC INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW TO handle and to deal with HIS (GOD’S) PEOPLE – NOT – Moses’! Therefore Moses missed out! So the message I bring here to all of you this applies and/or may apply is this! GOD TOLD ME THAT “HE IS GOING TO DO THE SAME TODAY (NOT AS IN THIS PARTICULAR MOMENT AND/OR TIME FRAME, BUT IN THIS PARTICULAR DISPENSATION/SEASON). THE FATHER SAYS HE IS GIVING THE ANOINTING AND POWER AND AUTHORITY TO THE YOUNG PEOPLE SINCE IT SEEMS LIKE THE OLDER PEOPLE OR GENERATION DON’T WANT IT AND WONT HEED TO OR GIVE WAY OR HEED TO HIS PROPHETS/MESSENGERS AND WON’T RECEIVE THEM OR THEIR WORDS…THAN THE FATHER SAYS HE IS GIVING IT ALL TO THE YOUNG FOLKS! THE INHERITANCE, SAITH THE LORD, IS, AND WILL BE THEIRS’! HE IS TRANSFERRING IT DOWN TO THEM RIGHT NOW EVEN AS I TYPE THIS AND HE IS STILL SPEAKING IN MY EAR IN JESUS’ NAME!” THAT IS THE WORD OF THE LORD. Amen. THANK YOU, HEAVENLY FATHER! YOUR GOOD WILL BE DONE ON EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN AND AS YOU CHOOSE AND IT PLEASES YOU TO DO, LORD! LET IT BE SO. AMEN.
Posted on: Fri, 21 Nov 2014 18:19:56 +0000

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