SDA ready to do face lift of its enforcement wing Srinagar, July - TopicsExpress


SDA ready to do face lift of its enforcement wing Srinagar, July 12: Srinagar Development Authority (SDA) has decided to do-up its Enforcement Wing by augmenting it with manpower and machinery to ensure strict adherence of the Master Plan regulations in the Srinagar Metropolitan Local Area. Reviewing functioning of the Enforcement Wing at a meeting here today, Vice-Chairman SDA, Mr Mohammad Shafi Rather called for making the wing more effectual in enforcing Master Plan regulations and preventing building violations and encroachments in the Srinagar local area. The meeting was informed that SDA has recently purchased latest machinery worth Rs 30 lakh to strengthen the Enforcement Wing and more high-end equipment like slab and iron-cutters is on the way so that the wing doesn’t face any handicap while demolishing illegal structures and constructions. The Deputy Director Enforcement, Abdul Aziz Khawaja informed the meeting that while his wing has already initiated anti-encroachment drive in the SDA local area and the Bus Terminals, much more needs to be done to clear the encroachment mess, especially at General Bus Stand Batamaloo. He said once the Enforcement wing is equipped with the requisite machinery and manpower, massive encroachment drive would be launched by SDA to clear all the public/passenger facilities of encroachers and restore the same for the use of general public. He said the Enforcement wing was earlier unable to take tangible action as it was handicapped for want of machinery. The meeting was informed that the Enforcement wing is in the process of compiling the comprehensive survey report of the constructions carried out without building permission in the existing SDA Local area including; Sangam, Hokarsar, Dhahrmuna, Soibug, Churpora, Hakar Mula, Duridus, Sabdan, Ompora Housing Colony, Ompora, Narkara, Rangreth, Kralpora, Bagh-e-Mehtab, Nowgam, Mochu, Hundal Bagh, Gobar Bagh, Wangipora, Gundi Chuckpora, Malik Gund, Wagoora, Chattergam, Duniwara, Wathora, Pohru, Srinagar Railway Station, Rakhi Shalina, Lasjan, Soiteng, Sumerbug, Shalyn, Kandizal, Pampore Railway Station, Pampore, Gallander, Kunbal, Wyan, Khrew and Balaham. Once the survey report is complete, the owners of the constructions that have come up without any proper building permission from SDA would be served demolition notices.(JKNI)
Posted on: Fri, 12 Jul 2013 17:11:23 +0000

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