SDCC officials have confirmed in a response to a motion put down - TopicsExpress


SDCC officials have confirmed in a response to a motion put down by myself that they will seek to dispose of land at Firhouse Rd/Killinniny Rd for a school site at the upcoming September meeting of the Council. This was on the agenda in 2013 but met strong local opposition. There are two schools in pressing need of accommodation in the Firhouse area, both of which I have met with and strongly supported in ensuring appropriate and prompt school builds. See the written response to my motion for next weeks Rathfarnham/Templeogue-Terenure Area Committee meeting below. I am concerned that, as a local Councillor, the first I am hearing of this being back on the table, officially, is only a couple of weeks short of the meeting. Furthermore, it seems that I have had to put down a motion to be informed of any updates. I will be seeking much more information on what is being proposed in the days ahead on a very important issue for residents, parents and others involved in the general Firhouse area. I have asked SDCC management to arrange for a briefing for local Councillors on the matter so I can disseminate further information. Dermot ------------------- MOTION: Councillor D. Looney That this Committee receive and discuss a report detailing the planning issues related to primary schools in the Firhouse/Ballycullen area, and in particular any progress or changes related to the issue in recent months. REPORT: Two new primary schools for Firhouse opened in September 2013 and are being facilitated in temporary accommodation in the Firhouse Community Centre and the Tymon Bawn Community Centre. This temporary arrangement is not tenable for the future long-term viability of the schools. It remains a requirement of the Department of Education and Skills (DoES) that a site or sites be acquired for these 2 new primary schools to serve existing demand in the Firhouse area. A preferred site had been identified for two temporary schools that could be further developed to accommodate two future permanent schools, on public land adjoining Firhouse community centre. The temporary schools proposal included the provision of a public car park to serve the adjoining Community Centre and nearby playing fields as well as the two temporary schools and a new public playground. This was advertised through the part 8 process last summer (ie 2013), but attracted considerable local opposition, primarily due to concerns about traffic and loss of public space. The Part 8 report has not been brought to the Council for determination. The longer term proposal was that the permanent schools would be built on the public space adjoining the temporary schools. The one existing grass pitch to be displaced by the permanent schools would be relocated onto an adjoining area of public space. The possibility of a portion of the return to the Council from the sale of the site to the Department being made available as matched funding for the development of an all-weather sports facility on an adjoining public site, in accordance with local objectives and to which the schools would have preferential school-time access, was also considered. It had been intended that the permanent schools would go through the normal planning process, which would enable any concerned party the option of appeal to An Bord Pleanala. SDCC and the DoE&S have assessed all possible options in the area, both publicly and privately owned sites, to establish: that sites are located within the required educational catchment, the suitability of sites to meet both DoE&S and SDCC technical requirements, that sites are located in an area which will underpin the principles of sustainable development by enabling students to cycle and walk to school, therefore minimising the need for students to be driven to school, and that sites have the potential to be acquired in a timely fashion. SDCC last met with the Department of Education and Skills in June and resulting from this a S.183 disposal for a South Dublin County Council owned site at the junction of Firhouse Road / Killinniny Road will be proposed at the September Council Meeting, which could accommodate one of the required schools, subject to a grant of planning permission. Meanwhile, SDCC continues to work with the Department to find a suitable permanent solution for the second school.
Posted on: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 16:31:08 +0000

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