SECRET NAZI-STYLE ANIMAL FRANKENSTEIN EXPERIMENTS BEING CONDUCTED WITH YOUR TAX DOLLARS BY THE US GOVT: Unbeknown to the public, a facility in Nebraska devoted SOLELY to increasing the profits of the Meat Industry has been conducting, for the last 50 years, ghastly experiments on innocent animals using a multitude of questionable scientific techniques to make them breed larger babies, more babies, and babies that can endure difficult environmental conditions. This is identical to the torture and sadism the Nazis practiced on Jews and other prisoners they deemed expendable in their quest to create the genetically perfect Master Race. Picking up where the Nazis left off, the Meat Industry seeks to create the genetically perfect Master Race of Animal Murder Victims....who will produce more offspring, yield more meat [and thus greater profit] and cost less to raise. Like the Nazis, they seek to do so by utilizing undisclosed techniques that interfere with the natural child birth and gestation process. In doing so they are re-engineering the way these processes work to essentially create mutated and genetically deviant animals who breed and birth second generation mutants consisting of a greater number of babies, who have more meat on the bone and who are hardier and easier to care for than nature ever intended. They are essentially, GMO farm animals. Whose genetic makeup is even more unnatural and likely to cause damage to human health than ordinary animals already do, just like GMO produce is unrecognizable to the human body and responsible for inflammatory and other disease inducing bodily responses. The greatest crime and injustice here is that there are no protocols or standards that these mad scientists must follow to ensure that they do not cause excruciating pain, suffering or death as a result of these processes. In fact, as you might imagine, these processes by the nature INEVITABLY cause intense pain and suffering as these Modern day Dr. Frankensteins tinker with Mother Nature and the birthing and gestation process to torment these innocent unprotected animals to give birth to these unnatural babies, many of which are so sick from the process they die at birth or shortly after. The Parents and Babies are considered acceptable collateral damage and expendable victims in the name of commerce and greater profits for the Animal Murder Industry. All of these innocent Animals are victims of extreme torture with no regard for their pain, safety or well-being as they physically, chemically and through the use of machinery and untested medical techniques manipulate and maneuver them thru the latest brainstorm theory of how to build a better cow, pig, lamb or chicken. It is a Barbaric and Sadistic Tragedy and Travesty of the Highest Order. As the article notes: It is widely accepted that experimentation on animals, and its benefits for people, will entail some distress and death. The Animal Welfare Act — a watershed federal law enacted in 1966, two years after the center opened — aimed to minimize that suffering, yet left a gaping exemption: farm animals used in research to benefit agriculture. Meaning the only small pathetic Federal Law which could possibly offer these animals even the slightest bit of protection from these atrocities......SPECIFICALLY EXEMPTED THEM FROM ITS COVERAGE. These animals have been abandoned to this Nazi style experimentation and torture and will require a Powerful and Aggressive Response by the ARA community in order to attack this disgraceful endeavor and end this Horror. I look forward to being on the front lines of this attack in the name of the forlorn, forgotten and abandoned who are being so viciously tormented every second of every day. Here are key excerpts from the New York Times article: At a remote research center on the Nebraska plains, scientists are using surgery and breeding techniques to re-engineer the farm animal to fit the needs of the 21st-century meat industry. The potential benefits are huge: animals that produce more offspring, yield more meat and cost less to raise. There are, however, some complications. Pigs are having many more piglets — up to 14, instead of the usual eight — but hundreds of those newborns, too frail or crowded to move, are being crushed each year when their mothers roll over. Cows, which normally bear one calf at a time, have been retooled to have twins and triplets, which often emerge weakened or deformed, dying in such numbers that even meat producers have been repulsed. Then there are the lambs. In an effort to develop “easy care” sheep that can survive without costly shelters or shepherds, ewes are giving birth, unaided, in open fields where newborns are killed by predators, harsh weather and starvation. Last Mother’s Day, at the height of the birthing season, two veterinarians struggled to sort through the weekend’s toll: 25 rag-doll bodies. Five, abandoned by overtaxed mothers, had empty stomachs. Six had signs of pneumonia. Five had been savaged by coyotes. “It’s horrible,” one veterinarian said, tossing the remains into a barrel to be dumped in a vast excavation called the dead pit. These experiments are not the work of a meat processor or rogue operation. They are conducted by a taxpayer-financed federal institution called the U.S. Meat Animal Research Center, a complex of laboratories and pastures in Clay Center, Neb. The center has one overarching mission: helping producers of beef, pork and lamb turn a higher profit as diets shift toward poultry, fish and produce. An investigation by The New York Times shows that these endeavors have come at a steep cost to the center’s animals, which have been subjected to illness, pain and premature death, over many years. The research to increase pig litters began in 1986; the twin calves have been dying at high rates since 1984, and the easy care lambs for 10 years. nytimes/2015/01/20/dining/animal-welfare-at-risk-in-experiments-for-meat-industry.html?hp&action=click&pgtype=Homepage&module=photo-spot-region®ion=top-news&WT.nav=top-news&_r=2
Posted on: Tue, 20 Jan 2015 21:28:21 +0000

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