SECRET OF ALL SUPER FIT PEOPLE **CONTROVERSIAL** (~2-3min) Almost without exception, every exceptionally fit person I know of, in the industry or otherwise, has undergone an EXTREME period in their lives where fitness took over, usually in excess of what most “experts” would consider “healthy”. What I mean by “extreme” or “in excess” is an unhealthily low intake, excessive lifting (questionable), or excessive cardio, or orthorexia (the obsession with eating clean good foods), 0 CARBS, 0 FAT, 500g protein, etc. Now, before I get jumped on, I just want to say that I am in NO WAY saying extreme dieting or exercise bulimia (purging through exercise) are good things. They can be extremely harmful both physically and mentally over an extended period of time (beyond 4-6months) BUT, and a big BUT, a lot of times, I believe that the people who are the most successful are ones who start with this type of extreme approach. BUT THE REASON THEY ARE SUCCESSFUL IS NOT BECAUSE OF THE APPROACH BUT BECAUSE OF THE PYSCHOLOGICAL UNDERPINNINGS THAT THE EXTREME APPROACH REQUIREs FOR EXTENDED ADHERENCE. For example, I have had (many) clients who were 400+ who started only by eating only a “healthy” (however they defined it) breakfast and lunch and no dinner or walking 5 miles/day OR no carbs or
Posted on: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 00:15:57 +0000

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