SECRET & SACRED MUSIC HARMONICS OF ARCHAIC ALCHEMY & HEALING: THE SOUND OF CREATION The music of the future is the music of the past. It is where the Alpha and the Omega come back together, in an Archaic/Novel Cosmogenesis, the reinstigation and interaction with the original music hologramme of creation. In other words lets go online with the galactic disk dance floor. MUSIC OF SUPERCONSCIOUSNESS & 8 HZ It is said that our planet beats from 7.82-8 cycles per second (7.82-8 hz, fundamental Schumann resonance), 8 hz is the alpha brain wave rhythm in which our parallel processors, or brain hemispheres, are synchronized to SPIN together equally. The neo-cortex of the brain, 90% unassigned becomes awakened in this synchronization, and one then operates in all brain cell dendrites with the maximum information flow possible on that scale. Ordinary awareness brain waves ranges from 14-40 hz. Here one is operating only in some brain cell dendrites, and predominantly with the left brain as the centre of activity, where information flow is billions of times slighter (like using an old PC 386 compared to a parallel process Pentium IV, or an old Mac Performa, compared to a Parallel processing G4). In other words at 7.82 one is an operating supercomputer, or congressing towards Superconsciousness. A musical revolution or a machine that would induce 7.82-8 hz in its beholders may propel mankind into an internal Revolution, And it is here. It is often cited that humanity only uses 10% of the brain (for someone like Einstein, who profusely meditated his equations in ecstasies), and Einstein relays in his General Relativity Theory, that were the other 90% to become assigned, e = mc4 would result. Einstein states that the body would transform into pure ENERGY: the resurrection/ascension of the Gnostic traditions of the west, the Rainbow Body and Diamond Body as it is known to the Tibetan Buddhists and Taoists of the far east. 8 hz then is possible the key to such a potential full Sovereign brain activation. At the least it is a Golden Midway Bridge towards that internal Revolution. Dr. Andrija Puharich demonstrated in the late 1970s (Proto-Communication II), that 8 hz could not be blocked by any electromagnetic shielding metal or even a triple vacuum. Which implies that it rotates through the Virtual (Everywhere and Everywhen) and quantum non-local hyperspace, constantly. Ortho-rotating through what the Hermetic Gnostic and Shaman Psychonauts may have attempted to grapple with under the term, loosely appropriated as Spirit, and the Taoistic Wu Chi. MUSIC OF THE PYRAMIDS The number 432 is considered sacred in a majority of the major temple complexes of this planet. For instance, one side of the Great Pyramid, Egypt, at its sea level foundation, is 432 Earth Units (51.49 cm). The major Toltec complex of Teotihuacan in Mexico, has its great Pyramid of the Sun with an overall base of 864 STU (Standard Teotihuacan Units) which is twice 432. STU was the Toltecs measure unit for this site, as their myths relay it was taught them by the Shaman Wizard gods from the stars. Each side of this Sun Pyramid is 216 STU, precisely half of 432, and 3 x 72. The heart has the least effort for pumping blood to endocrine glands, when operating in a rhythm of 72 beats per minute, it beats literally with the hologramme of the planet and the universe -- 72 bpm is the foundation beat of compassionate love. THIS IS OMEGA SONIC SACRED GEOMETRY The universe is based on harmonic series such as 72, 144, 432. And 144 (a C tone in hertz) is a perfect harmonic of the speed of light, which is 144,000 nautical miles (144,000 minutes of arc per Earth grid second) in the vacuum of space. Each of these harmonics are literally a mirror, or a cascade of mirrors within mirrors, that 8 hz can look into. For example 144 is 18 x 8 hz, and 72 is 9 x 8 hz. The way that light travels in space is thus a 144 decimal harmonic (144:144,000), The archaic Egyptian instruments that have been unearthed, so far, are largely tuned to 432 hz. In ancient Greece (the school book original place for music) their instruments were predominantly tuned at 432 hz. Within the archaic Greek Eleusenian Mysteries, Orpheus is the god of music, death and rebirth, and was the keeper of the Ambrosia and the music of transformation (his instruments were tuned at 432 hz). The shamanic/festivial use of a specific series of drums, trumpets and harps in Sumeria, had them all tuned at 432 hz, and related harmonics of 72 and its decimal 720. These instruments were utilised for pre-Arabic ethnobotanical plant and metal alchemy, which harvested the elixir of divination and divinity. The god-kings utilised these within their sacred circle FIRESTONE dance. In the midst of these symphonic circles, they placed a phoenix (sky fire bird) fire stone, which was called the Sham.Mu. Within the Mesopotamian cylinder seals (of which more than 100,000 such books have been unearthed so far) these fire stones are often described to be made out of superconducting-like elements, usually monatomic iridium from meteorite. Dolphins can hear our thoughts, because their sonic senses extend into the infrasonic and ultrasonic ranges. So our alpha brain waves, like 8 hz, are music to them. Mankind, in a non-shamanic state, does not hear 8 cycles. But one can make audible its harmonics, such as 72 hz (9 x 8 hz), 144 hz (18 x 8 hz) and 432 hz. And then further synchronise the music in binaural 8 hz, to reawaken us to the orchestra of our thoughts, in the cathedrals of our minds. There are many other great wonders that 432 hz phases into. Look at the Buddhist temple of Borobudur, in Java. At Borobudur there is a Pyramid of Mt. Meru. Meru is the world and universal mountain created by the Vedic original Germinating god, Manu, as he descended into this universe and planet. Bringing with him S-AUM-A (the plant from which the elixir of immortality is made) and Bananas. Meru is considered to be the Sonic mandala of creation: the Shri Yantra, likened to a sonic holographic plate that upholds this universe, like a Diamond. Instigated by the living Word AUM. An interesting Vedic creation myth, but can a sound made from a series of syllables make a mandalic, or holographic pattern? Dr. Lawrence Blair demonstrated on a tonographer (a sensitised sound plate which VIBRATES sand to show the wave form pattern of the sound) that the sound AUM, when sung correctly by a Tibetan monk, indeed does make this pattern of the Shri Yantra in the resonated sand. Which itself is astounding and reveals an ancient musical science. The Borobudur Meru Pyramid naturally thus would have 72 stupas, and there are, of course, 432 Buddha statues at this site. In this coming Age, when musical instruments are tuned at 432 cycles per second, no matter how hard the music might be, it will be harmonics that are produced. It will be healthy for the body, tuning the body, VIBRATING in fractal harmonics with the DNA helix sound matrix of life itself. Those DNA helixes are musical instruments that are constantly receiving mhz of electricity and the audial currents, which require sound. If that sound is dis-harmonic, a DNA starts to resonate to external disharmonics. Should the external resonating tune sources, in a person of old age that has their DNA viruses resonating to the outside, become harmonic (such as a 432 hz based music, with all of the over- and undertones of 432) -- then the DNA viruses will remember their coherent PHI-like spiral shape And possibly form of regeneration, Since 8 hz in DNA replication has been described by Scientific American (March 1965, p 28), to be behaving as a room temperature superconductor, the use of sound may enable such genetic alchemy. This information has been gathered from the internet , readers should do their Own research to validate key points ,,, NOW YOU CAN HAVE THESE SECRET & SACRED FREQUENCIES IN YOUR OWN HOME Everything in life is VIBRATIONAlbert Einstein
Posted on: Sat, 11 Oct 2014 04:11:58 +0000

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