SECRETARY OF STATE JOHN KERRY SHOWS THAT HE HASN’T CHANGED SINCE 1971(“John Kerry Unmasked by Chris Wallace,” Part 2 of a 2-part series) I began part one of this narrative, yesterday, by stating, “After watching a tape of Secretary of State John Kerry, who was being interviewed by Chris Wallace this past Sunday (July 20), I am even more thoroughly convinced that treason defines what is taking place in this country, today, on the part of this nation’s rulers, mistakenly called ‘leaders.’ In fact, I would go so far as to say that, if treason was not being practiced by this nation’s rulers, it would be impossible for John Kerry to occupy the position he now holds as the second most-powerful political figure in this country.” Kerry’s very revealing interview, especially the airing of his remarks about the actions of Israel’s military in Gaza, reiterated, in my opinion, the message that has been sent to allies of this country, by the Obama administration, every since January 21, 2009, that message being, “We are with the terrorists.” When Obama took office, from what I can see, so did the Muslim Brotherhood. While I don’t buy the nonsense that President Bush, and his administration, were involved in the terrorist attacks on this country, on 911, which brought down the World Trade Center buildings, in New York, I do find Bush’s comments, aimed at countries, around the world, to be a form of bullying. Bush’s mindless statement, “You’re either with us, or you’re with the terrorists,” was arrogantly misleading, and negligently misdirected. I just have to say, Bush made me sick, before Obama’s nonsense made me even sicker. I was really tempted to send Bush a telegram, informing his pea-sized brain that a nation can be against terrorism, for its own reasons. A nation doesn’t have to join the U.S., in the mountains of Afghanistan, to prove it is not with the terrorists. In fact, 13 year after 911, I still can’t, for the life of me, figure out why we are in those mountains. Alright, already, so some cave dwellers, in those mountains, cooking their meals on a hot plate, were over there, in the hills and valleys of Afghanistan, talking on cell phones to jihadists in the United States, who were hiding out, here, in plain sight, while eating three meals a day, cooked by chefs, in fancy restaurants, fasting only for Ramadan, and got 19 of these better fed jihadists over here to hi-jack four airplanes, after they took off from airports, in this country (not Afghanistan), fly three of them into buildings, in New York, and Washington, D.C., with a fourth plane going down in Pennsylvania when Muslim madmen decided to crash the plane, because the brave Americans on board, Patriots, to be sure, began to fight these dogs. OK, I got all of that. So, now, tell me, again, why we went to Afghanistan, looking for some people, hiding in caves, while Bush went to the nearest church, telling those, hiding there under the Cross, that Islam is a peaceful religion, while jets were circling around, ready to be deployed in case the church, where Bush was speaking about the world’s most peaceful religion, was attacked by madmen, called “militants,” to hide that they were Muslims. When Bush said, “You’re either with us, or you’re with the terrorists, he should have been speaking, before members of Congress, his comments directly aimed at people like Representative Keith Ellison of Minnesota, hidden enemy combatants, just as there were hidden communists, in government, during the time of Senator Joseph McCarthy, whose important work, has been, interestingly enough, “blacked-out” in history. After listening to John Kerry’s Sunday remarks about Israel’s military actions in Gaza, decrying the disproportionate number of people being killed (not enough Jews are dying), I went back to a tape of John Kerry testifying before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, representing what he said were the views of veterans against the Vietnam War. Kerry had been a soldier in Vietnam, between the years, 1968-1969. Wearing the clothes of a soldier, to the hearing, in 1971, to hide, in my opinion, his disloyalty, Kerry (who looked like a “hippie”) recalled one atrocity after another by American soldiers, but apparently did not stay in Vietnam long enough to notice anything the Vietcong were doing, such as shooting people in the head. He was in Vietnam for one year. Strangely, Kerry was allowed to testify as an expert witness, in 1971, before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Very strange! When I watched footage of Kerry’s testimony again, which he gave in 1971, I was reminded of Bergdahl, today. Bergdahl was a private, at the time of what, from appearances, seems to be a modern-day version of treason. He has since been made a sergeant, which is also very strange. Kerry, who was engaged in what appears to have been treason, back in the days when Jane Fonda was engaged in treason, is now Secretary of State!. [Dissent is not treason, working on behalf of the enemies of the United States, against the United States interests, is treason, and that is what Fonda did, and what Kerry, and Bergdahl, are being accused of doing, here, in case you are not getting it.] You will recall that Jane Fonda, who, deviously, was chosen to play the role of real-life conservative Nancy Reagan, in the film, “The Butler” [CAN I ASK Why, AND HOW THIS HAPPENED?], was famously known as “Hanoi Jane,” in the 1970’s. Jane Fonda had gone directly to North Vietnam to tell the Vietcong, more or less, to keep shooting at American soldiers while traitors in America, like Kerry, worked on America’s defeat at home. . Now John Kerry is the Secretary of State. IS THIS THING ON, BY THE WAY?! During Kerry’s interview with Chris Wallace (in which Kerry got just a little flustered because Wallace was not doing any boots Sunday, namely those worn by Kerry), the television host played some comments Kerry made, during an interview, on another network, in which Kerry said the U.S. had to do something because of the number of terrorists that were being killed by the Israeli army. Of course, Kerry didn’t put it quite that way, which can be easily explained. Kerry, “Hanoi John,” was trying to hide the fact that he was speaking as a sympathetic Hamas operative. What Kerry was concerned about, in his own words, was the lack of precision, in Israel’s attacks on sites where missiles are being fired at Israel, by Hamas. This terrorist organization is using school buildings, and other civilian sites, to launch its rockets against Israel, aimed at Israel’s civilian population. Just as Kerry could not recall any atrocities committed by the Vietcong, in 1971, Kerry can’ recall any of the 4,000 rockets that have been fired at Israeli citizens by Hamas. Try telling Kerry that practically all of the civilian casualties, on the Palestinian side, are caused by Hamas’s use of children, and other civilians, as human shields, which Kerry, apparently, would find shocking, since he, seemingly, thinks Hamas is hurling Girl Scout Cookies in those rocket launchers. But, wouldn’t you know it, gosh darn it, I just so happen to have a copy of Hamas’ charter, in my files, which I am getting ready to quote, like right now. But first, just to satisfy Kerry’s curiosity about whether, or not, I have read it, which Kerry, apparently, hasn’t, let me offer that the charter has 36 articles, the last being the epilogue. A fair reading, of the document, I think, would show that Hamas will never be a peaceful group until all Jews in Israel, leave, or, are dead, which I presume the preference to be chopping off their heads. Since conversion of their whole bodies is not possible, since Jews in Israel will not choose to be non-Jews, use of their head, it seems to be presumed, is unnecessary. I could be wrong, of course, since the charter, I have, is written in plain English, so maybe somebody can give me a copy of the charter, in Arabic. Article 12, the English Version, states, “Hamas regards Nationalism (Waaniyya) as part and parcel of the religious [Islamic] faith. Nothing is loftier or deeper in [Islamic] Nationalism than waging Jihad against the enemy and confronting him when he sets foot on the land of the Muslims.” Muslims setting foot on other people’s land, such as the land of every country in North Africa, just for starters, doesn’t count. And, of courses, since there is no higher calling than waging war when a non-Muslim sets foot on Muslim land, it justifies using civilians as human shields when Hamas launches rockets, against Israel, while hiding behind the skirts of women, and hiding in classrooms with children in the first grade. Article 13 says, in part, “…the so-called peaceful solutions, and the international conferences to resolve the Palestinian problem, are all contrary to the beliefs of the Islamic Resistance Movement.” I beg to translate, here, from the English version. What the preceding says is that, as far as Hamas is concerned, there is no peaceful solution, as long as there is the present State of Israel, and all peace initiatives, as a result, are a waste of time. In order for there to be peace, in the “Middle East,” one of the things that is clear is that Hamas must be routed. Since Chris Wallace’s interview of John Kerry, indicated that Kerry seeks to prevent this routing from taking place, Chris Wallace did more than just interview Kerry Sunday. He unmasked John Kerry, so that a whole new generation can see him for what he is, “Hanoi John,” undermining America, in more modern times, by undermining the interests of the nation’s staunchest ally, in the “Middle East.”
Posted on: Sat, 26 Jul 2014 19:32:37 +0000

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