SECRETS OF HILLARY CLINTON EXPOSED! Posted on January 14, 2015 by - TopicsExpress


SECRETS OF HILLARY CLINTON EXPOSED! Posted on January 14, 2015 by Freewill Leave a comment Larry Nichols Exposes Secrets of Hillary Clinton That Will Sink Her! https://youtube/watch?v=pcV9w4osh1o&feature=player_embedded I’m asking everybody that wants to save the planet to share this VERY important interview of Larry Nichols by Stew Webb that just appeared on Veterans Today Radio. Larry Nichols needs your help getting out his information on Hillary through all means on the internet. If all of you help Larry get the truth out, then we have a REAL chance to send this monster packing. The internet is FAR bigger than the 90s when Larry Nichols was out there smashing the Clintons and now we have the power to sink her forever! Let’s do it! This is one of the most important interviews you will hear this year. In the first hour, Larry Nichols dropped bombshell after bombshell on Hillary Clinton! If you don’t know who Larry Nichols is then you need to read this article. Who Is Larry Nichols? veteranstoday/2014/12/28/who-is-larry-nichols/ Larry Nichols knows Bill and Hillary Clinton very very well because he worked for them for many years until he had a change of heart and could no longer deal with the corruption. He is coming out telling all now because he knows our children have no future if Hillary Clinton is not stopped! Our country will be completely destroyed by Hillary Clinton! When this interview ended, Larry’s phone lit up like a Christmas tree! Millions of patriots already knew Larry Nichols from the 90s but millions more learned about him during this amazing interview. Larry is quite the colorful character and he had me rolling with laughter with his good ole southern boy charm and humor! When all you patriots listen to Larry, I know MANY of you are going to pick up the ball and spread his information everywhere you can! Larry wants all of you to share his information. This is just one of many interviews that will be done only through VeteransToday. I’m sure all of you are going to laugh at what a character Larry is as I did repeatedly! This guy is a good ole boy from the south and he’s FUNNY! Larry is the man that single handedly had Bill Clinton impeached! He was responsible for getting Gennifer Flowers, Paula Jones and Monica Lewinsky to come forward with their stories about their involvement with Bill Clinton. He brought out all the truth on the Whitewater land scam involving Bill and Hillary Clinton. Larry Nichols was the only man to ever personally sue Bill Clinton in court. The court case was illegally stopped by a corrupt court system and none of the bought off press would report on the evidence presented! Here’s just some of the things Larry Nichols brought out in this shocking interview! Bill Clinton personally told Larry Nichols that Chelsea is not his daughter! Chelsea’s father is Webster Hubble! Here’s a picture that shows the striking resemblance between younger Chelsea (before the work she has done to her appearance recently) and Webster Hubbell a longtime friend of Hillary. Bill Clinton told Larry that Hillary went to California about once a month to practice witchcraft with a coven of witches! Larry and Bill were concerned this would be discovered and would be a real problem because they were in the deep south! Hillary would come back from her California trips practicing Witchcraft with her coven and then go to church the next week. Larry reported that Hillary said this was “Covering all her bases!” Bill Clinton raised Chelsea! Hillary treated her like a dog. Bill was the one that went to her school functions and activities. Hillary never had time for her. Ron Brown was shot in the head with a .45, he did not die in the plane crash as reported! Larry also hinted that he has damaging information about Vince Foster who was murdered and did not commit suicide. Much more is discussed that you’ve never heard before! This interview got EVERYBODY’S attention! There is a HUGE bombshell that Gordon Duff reported on in the second hour! I’ll let you discover that little surprise on your own! I can tell you that it’s a SHOCKER that will rock the planet and I’ll have a story on it soon! Spread this interview EVERYWHERE and support VT if you want to WIN! We can WIN if ALL patriots unite behind US Intelligence now and quit passing information from the controlled opposition! How do you know who is controlled opposition? It’s very easy! Whoever isn’t telling you about the material only coming out on VeteransToday! They are the heroes that have the support of the good guys in our military! You’ll understand this more after you listen to the interview! Begin carpet bombing Facebook, twitter and ALL other social networks if you want to stop Hillary! We MUST stop her for the survival of our country! Larry chose VeteransToday to come out swinging because he knows VT is our only chance! They have the guns and badges behind the scenes and Gordon Duff stopped the Syrian war by showing the rebels launched the gas attacks! Gordon rocked the truth in Syria that motivated patriots around the world and VT also released the Snowden leaks proving that our towers were taken down on 9/11 through our own micro nukes! If you want to WIN this fight then you support those kicking Illuminati TAIL and you STOP supporting anybody that is censoring their reports because they are serving the evil! It’s time to take off the gloves now and share Larry Nichols information around the world. Destroy the fake news that is nothing but lies! References: stewwebb Categories: Uncategorized
Posted on: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 07:14:16 +0000

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