SEE, FEEL, HEAR, TASTE, SMELL, and SENSE the DIVINE IN ALL We sense your Presence in our lives. Shed the dramas of your life, reveal to yourself the beauty and grace of your Divine Self. Love is flowing and encompassing you always. Allow Love to truly come within you. Breathe in the love the Universe is supplying endlessly. Sense it coursing through your blood stream feeding each cell of your physical self. Exhale all that does not serve your highest and best good. Visualize the purity of the Divine being that so desires to come forth from within you. You have so much to share with all the Universe. Shed those layers of protection, learn to Trust and truly love with no boundaries. We each have experienced pain, suffering, and being repressed. We are being healed of the wounds that we carry emotional and physical. The Moment has arrived where we emerge from the shadows and blossom fully into the beings we each truly are. We sense this Shift in our Consciousness and now we are Manifesting our divine Nature. Peer again within yourself. See the glow of your being, may you shine ever so bright and be a beacon of Truth, Love and Wisdom. Peace is Manifesting in our realities all over the world. The senseless ambitions of greed and control over us is being shed. We United will bring forth the Divine Plan for Earth. We are the Children of the Rainbow. Our Hearts yearn for US to be empowered. I AM your H.I.P.P.I.E. Brother, and I do share this love with you. Namaste.
Posted on: Tue, 26 Aug 2014 10:28:46 +0000

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