SEE HE TRUE FACTS ABOUT DISTANT RELATIONSHIPS You see, Most people got No idea what DISTANT RELATIONSHIPS ON FB is all about, they think its all about the chats, calls, romantic messages and all those fairytale Nonsense.. Imagine a girl dating a guy on FB she has never seen and she already got their pics on picmix SMH,. Let me tell yall something, this is 2014/2015, gone are the days of dating for years before seeing eachother. This days, When you date distant on FB for more than 4/5 months without sight, it gets boring and the fairytale will be wearing off your eyes. I have asked around from people whom i knew MET, DATED & GOT MARRIED from FB, and this is the summary of it success. 1. Distant relationship is Expensive, especially those ones that started on FB, alot of get together, visitations and spending physical quality time is needed. 2. No relationship on FB can get any more real like when it gets physical, so. The long dating On FB without sight is a proper waste of time, energy and emotions. You can love and date a person for years on FB, but one day of sight alone can erase all those emotions because what you thought at heart wasnt what you are seeing,. 3. For a serious relationship that will lead to marriage to born on FB, alot of physical committment is needed and also alot of honesty.. one terrible mistake that people do make in all this, is that they tend to give more of their love and emotions to mere words, which keeps them blind away from the reality it holds.. How can you be in a relationship with a person for close to 1yr on FB without sight for onces and you are saying that person is faithful and is the best for you, are you trying to ignore the fact that he aint GOD and he is just a ghost name on FB until physical facial regconition is made? And its the females that do fall stupid to all this,. Its Not healthy to date someone on FB without sight for even more than 4 months, you gotta meet him/her in person and see the reallty before going deep into a relationship,. Like i always say NOTHING GETS SERIOUS ON FB UNTIL IT GETS PHYSICAL .. For a distant relationship on FB to last longer and strong, both partners gotta see eye to eye for at least 5 times in a yr, depending on the distant of location and also the resources to cover the expenses. f you cant cover the expenses of dating distantly, please dont try it, you will only ruin yourself financially and step in debt always, Love aint everything when it comes to a relationship, maintenace and sustainance is.. Dont jump into the ship of a distant relation when you cant sail the boat to it destination. Whats Your Opinion Concerning This???
Posted on: Tue, 18 Nov 2014 07:39:51 +0000

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