SEE INSPIRATIONS MAGAZINE HEALING TESTIMONY (TODAY’S TOP STORY) I ESCAPED BLEEDING TO DEATH….the battle God won for me I am writing this testimony from the Netherlands, to tell those who believe only in medical science that they are wrong. I got pregnant last year through an inter uterus insemination (IUI) procedure. The procedure was very easy here, and I didn’t have any problem. During the course of the pregnancy, the doctor told me that my baby’s placenta was low, but she didn’t tell me it was a dangerous situation. I thus went on with the pregnancy until it was 30weeks, when I started having pains in my stomach. I went to the hospital, and I was told to take pain reliever as there was nothing to worry about. I was told that the pain was as a result of my growing baby as well as the low placenta. I went back home until the night of December 24th, when I started bleeding heavily. I was rushed to the hospital where I was monitored throughout the night. As God would have it, the bleeding stopped but the doctors were afraid for my baby, hence they referred me to a specialist hospital which had neo-natal facilities, in case the need would arise for my baby to be brought out prematurely. There was however no need to bring out the baby as the bleeding did not continue. So I was sent back to my original hospital where my doctor actually told me the seriousness of my situation, as the scans done at the specialist hospital revealed that the placenta was attached to my womb. After spending some weeks in my hospital, the doctors decided to send me back again to the specialist hospital as they were averting the extremely high risk of operating on me. Back at the specialist hospital, after the series of scans, the professor of gynecology actually told me that if there was to be an operation on me to bring out my baby, there was a big chance of me bleeding to death. It was at that point that I called my Pastor brother in Nigeria, Pastor Austine, and he gave me different scriptures to read, and he also prayed with me. As at the time, I had all kinds of medical specialists attending to me. They tried taking all the necessary precautions. On the day of the operation, I was operated on successfully, and I was taken to the recovery room, but in there I went into shock as I started bleeding profusely. When the doctor was called, I managed to look at her face as she watched the monitoring machine which showed how my vital signs were doing and I could see that she was so afraid and confused, as she took the phone and started talking to other specialists. Before I knew what was happening, I was rushed back again into the theatre to be operated on a second time. During that period, I was praying inside me, and I was confident that my pastor brother in Nigeria and His Team, the SEE Team were praying for me as well. Satan tried to see that I actually bleed to death as the doctors predicted, but he failed. The doctors could not believe that after their preparations, they still made a mistake that almost cost my life. As for me, I knew it was a battle that God won for me. Ese Uyo (Nigerian living in Netherland). SEE: God Almighty is faithful. He answers prayers. His Word to us is, “is any among you afflicted, let him pray…Is any sick among you? Let him call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord” (James 5:13-14). May the same God who heals answer you as you call today in the name of Jesus Christ. DECLARE: O Lord JESUS, I agree with Your Word that You were wounded for my transgressions, you were bruised for my iniquities; the chastisement of my peace was upon You and with Your stripes I am healed (Isaiah 53:5). Blessed/Encouraged/Inspired by this SEE Magazine Healing testimony? Be part of Kingdom witnesses using documented miracles to stir up hope, strengthen faith and make a difference to the glory of God. Share this link, facebook/seeinspirationsmag, with someone for today’s top turning point testimony culled from SEE inspirations Magazine. Share your inspiring testimony by mailing to: chiefeditor@seeinspirationsmagazine (We overcome by the blood of the lamb & by the word of our testimony….Rev 12:11). Like us/Share this link: facebook/seeinspirationsmag for today’s top turning point testimony culled from SEE INSPIRATIONS MAGAZINE. Read more inspiring testimonies/columns culled from SEE Inspirations Magazine; Become a SEE MAG Partner, inspire the world through your giving - visit seeinspirationsmagazine
Posted on: Tue, 13 Aug 2013 07:54:06 +0000

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