SEE INSPIRATIONS MAGAZINE OVERCOMERS STORY (TODAY’S TOP STORY)….. A SPECIAL DEDICATION TO ALL WOMEN Talitha Cumi “I was visiting my family house where I grew up and was on the stairway, trying to make my way down to the courtyard when I was taken aback by the loud screams of helpless children who were running helter-skelter outside the house, obviously for fear of something I couldn’t immediately place. As I eagerly drew close to the exit door, I saw the cause of the pandemonium; Flowing towards me from outside was a formless fierce-looking woman-like figure. ‘Wait a minute,’ I was almost muttering, as I started retracing my step hurriedly and backward towards our apartment where I was descending from. But as I did, the figure kept flowing up the stairs towards me. I had gotten to the top landing, with my back to our door and was still facing the figure, wondering how on earth I was going to stop her from gaining entrance, when I heard a voice clearly say to me; “Educationist, pray!” And with the boldness stirred up within me by the supernatural voice I heard, I confronted the figure with every might within me, as I started releasing on her the sword of the spirit (the word of God). And as I began to speak with other tongues, I suddenly saw the figure bow to the name of the One I was professing. The more I spoke in Jesus’ name, the more the formless figure shrunk in size and was melting away but whenever I took it a bit easy with my spoken Word and decrees, she was like trying to get herself back and was again advancing towards me. On realizing therefore that her getting into our apartment to carry out her deadly assignment was dependent on whether I allowed her in or not, I knew better not to take it easy as I opened my mouth the more and kept speaking the Word of God until she finally melted away. I was sweating. I was relieved. I was amazed. I was thankful. I had just seen terror. I had just had a supernatural encounter. I had just obeyed a call to arise for a cause. I had just conquered; all in one occasion. Hmmm, I was still wondering, when my eyes opened to the realization that it was all a dream; A dream or rather a vision not to be ignored especially as several challenges started unfolding in the natural, all in quick succession. And they all bothered around ‘I and the children that the Lord has given me,’ but the enemy was too late. Our case had already been settled as the Lord had gone ahead to prompt me to arise and pray. There was yet another instance. While trying to get into a mini market-side estate to see an old friend some time ago, my eyes caught some very fresh green veggies and immediately asked my driver to pull by and call up the corner stall seller to serve me some. But while parked right in front of the seller, my driver and I tried in vain to get her attention. The more we called, the more the seller stared into space until another veggies seller about three stalls away ran down to serve us hers. And the first seller of veggies lost out in the trading game. With the burden I have for the uncomforted and with compassion for a fellow woman, obviously going through, who I knew needed a few words of counsel which I couldn’t render due to the circumstances, we left for the estate but I did use that experience as an avenue to share with my driver what I knew we all needed to keep doing so as to keep alive in a troubled world. To the likes of our veggies seller and to all women who have been punched a hard blow by extremely tough conditions of life, I bring you words of hope and encouragement. To you woman who the storms of life have left passive and almost lifeless, Jesus is calling, “Talitha cumi,” (Damsel arise), like He called out to Jairus’ daughter, and she did arise from the bed she laid dead (Mark 5:41). To you woman who is going through that challenge that have blinded you to who you truly are, Christ Jesus is saying; “Talitha cumi.” To you woman who seem bounded by the chains of sin and addictions; to you who have suffered abuses or loss of loved ones; to you who is depressed, or distressed, or discouraged, or confused; to you who think you are the poorest of the poor; to you who is jobless; to you who seem unfruitful; to you who is a widow; to you woman who think you have no one to turn to, Jesus is still saying, “Talitha cumi.” So, arise, come alive on the inside of you. Arise, shake yourself from the dust (Isaiah 52:2) of whatever challenge you are going through. Arise, and make conscious effort to shine as His light for nations and Kings to come to your rising (Isaiah 60:1-3). Arise as a mother to defend those under your sphere of influence like Deborah did for Israel (Judges 5:7) and like I was prompted to do in my true story above. If at all I didn’t know before the vision I had that I am called to educate and intercede, you will agree with me that the problem that confronted me and my home in form of an angel of death had obviously unveiled my call. This should encourage us to be spiritually alive and sensitive and to heed His call to arise because when we do, we will be walking from our trouble and pain into our God-ordained purposes. “What you don’t confront, you can’t conquer,” says Paula White in one of our recommended women edition novel titled, ‘Deal With It.’ And I tell you, for you to confront anything, you must first arise on the inside. ‘Even eagles need a push,’ so anyone of us may need to be reminded of who we are just like the supernatural voice reminded me of the grace already given me to watch & pray, hence I call on you one more time; Talitha cumi ! Damsel arise and deal with, confront and conquer that situation because you are fighting an already won battle. Christ Jesus already won you the victory, so when He says arise, He means, claim it. Your overcomer’s testimony is next in line. You are that inspiring woman your world is waiting to SEE & celebrate.” Lawretta Emiakpor Ogrih. A TREASURES IN DARKNESS ‘EDITORIAL THINK’ publication culled from SEE INSPIRATIONS MAGAZINE DECLARE: I overcome by the blood of the lamb & by the word of my testimony (Rev 12:11). I overcome as I arise, shine, for my light is come and the glory of the Lord is risen upon me. …Darkness may cover the earth and gross darkness the people but because the Lord arises upon me, His glory is being seen upon me. Gentiles shall come to my light and Kings to the brightness of my rising, in the name of Jesus Christ (Isaiah 60:1-3). Blessed/Inspired by our SEE Magazine Overcomers story? Be part of Kingdom witnesses using documented miracles to stir up hope, strengthen faith and make a difference to the glory of God. Share this link, facebook/seeinspirationsmag, with someone for today’s top turning point testimony culled from SEE inspirations Magazine. Share your inspiring testimony by mailing to: chiefeditor@seeinspirationsmagazine (We overcome by the blood of the lamb & by the word of our testimony….Rev 12:11). Like us/Share this link: facebook/seeinspirationsmag for today’s top turning point testimony culled from SEE INSPIRATIONS MAGAZINE. Read more inspiring testimonies/columns culled from SEE Inspirations Magazine; Become a SEE MAG Partner, inspire the world through your giving - visit seeinspirationsmagazine
Posted on: Mon, 29 Jul 2013 19:47:40 +0000

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