SEE MAGAZINE SUCCESS TESTIMONY (TODAY’S TOP STORY). I BUILT A HOUSE FOR GOD AND HE BUILT ME A CITY A sacrificial sowing to reaping story of a business man “I once made a promise to God that was so challenging to fulfill as I found myself having to struggle with the willingness to do it in spite of the resources I had that would have been enough to get it done. I wasn’t compelled by anyone to made that pledge of personally building God a place of worship in my village yet I kept on being confronted with a devilish inner voice telling me I shouldn’t, giving me reasons why, such as “You are yet to build your personal house like your mates.” My mindset was however interrupted by a major burden I had while on a business trip in Ghana. It was about 2am that early hour of the morning when like in a trance which I couldn’t quite place, I suddenly began to weep like a baby, asking God to please forgive me and was telling Him, “I’ll do it. I’ll build you the House.” I must say that I was so shaken and the burden I felt went on till about 4:30am, after which I made calls to two of my Pastors and a third call to my big brother. I recall my brother saying if that’s what God wants, then let’s do it but I told him the truth that I didn’t have the resources to do it then and that I had actually toyed with the various opportunities I had to get the house of worship done when money was passing through my hands. Well he encouraged me to start somehow. As for the pastors I called, each of them prayed with me for God’s direction and their response was same with my brother’s. Having listened to all three of them and actually agreed that I was going back to immediately commence the building I had promised my God, I slept at about 5am. Not long after, I got a wakening call from a State government office in Nigeria in charge of a contract I had done running into several millions of naira, which they had not paid for years. And I was being invited to come immediately for payment. So, quickly, I changed my plans and headed straight for the airport that morning instead of continuing with my purpose of making the trip to Ghana. Back in Nigeria, I started preparation to commence the church building. I called up my Architect, took him to my village land meant for my personal house, and there we agreed on the possible sitting capacity for the promised church building. And the plan was sketched. When I called one of the pastors I spoke with from Ghana, to tell him I had started, he then said he must tell me the truth that I must be prepared for the troubles that would arise from building a church in my village. I knew and replied that no trouble would be as frightening as the encounter I had alone with God while in Ghana. But because I was fore- warned, I stood aside and left the supervision of the church building to my then unbelieving aged father who resides in the village (who to the glory of God got saved later in this same church I built for the Lord). I only got to visit the site for the first time when the building had reached the roofing level. I had barely made my own input and structural alterations to the building when the parish I was to hand it over to begged to take possession, because the owners of the living room they were squatting in the village were back from the city. At that near-completion stage of the building, I met a group of expatriates who told me they wanted to relocate so they needed someone their spirit is at peace with, like me who could take over the development of their housing estate of 120hectatres. Though I wondered why me, I took a look at the size of the project. I felt it was frightening and far above me. I didn’t see myself as having that capacity to handle such project that was running into several billions of naira. The questions I asked myself were; these white men had already put into this project several billions as in having good road network, perimeter fencing, clearing and so many other infrastructures, so why give it to me? I thought this might be another 419, so I declined the offer. But the expatriates went on persistently to prove the genuineness of their offer and even invited me to their home base office in Miami, Florida where I met and had extensive and enlightening discussions with their business manager The manager was even made to take care of my hotel expenses and local transport while I was there. The business manager did his best to convince me and went on to ask me to make them an offer of any amount I could pay so I could take over the 120 hectares estate, including all infrastructures. I left Florida with a promise to get back to his two other partners in Nigeria I did meet with them on my arrival and made an offer of my widow’s might, being 20% of the value of the sum of the estate. And not only did they accept my offer but they also agreed to my terms of spreading the payment over a period of three years. They handed over all document to me and we signed the agreement. I saw it all like a mirage. I had been offered such massive project, so how do I go about utilizing it was the next question. Meanwhile as negotiation was on for the estate, I had become complacent about completing the church building in my village. In my own wisdom it was like I should relax concerning the completion of the church building, so that I would concentrate on sorting out the estate business. But the more I looked for money to sort out the estate, the less I saw money. Then while in Abuja, on another business trip, the same kind of burden and encounter I had with God at Ghana started again. The difference was that this time I was wide awake. Again, I asked God for forgiveness never to look back until I completed the village church. I hurriedly got money and tidied up the building as I did the painting, aluminum windows and flooring. Soon after I finished, it was as if banks started competing to fund the estate project in billions. I had three banks to choose from and I chose the one with the least offer, in millions. Development of the estate had since kicked off. All 20 houses we started with were bought even at foundation. People are booking and looking forward to buying more houses such that we can’t even meet up demand. God also gave me my own country home almost immediately. So far, I have learnt that any promise made to God must be fulfilled for one’s own good and to His glory. God who multiplies whatever we give Him builds ours when we build His. I built a house for God and He built me a city. The estate given me is a city of it’s own as it is going to accommodate over 100 houses, excluding worship centre, school, recreation park, police post and shopping mall. And my initial village land I offered God in which I built His house was just one plot but He built me a country home, within 6 months in over four plots of land. Truly, I have experienced God as Jehovah Jireh, our Provider.” Mr A (Culled from SEE Inspirations Magazine Success Edition) SEE God is not a man to lie…has He not spoken and shall He not make good? (Numbers 23:19). From the testifier’s reapings, we can see that; God means business when He says that men will give to our bosom, good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, when we first give to Him (Luke 6:38). God means business when He says He will open the windows of heaven and pour out more than enough blessings upon anyone who do not rob Him in tithe and offering, but brings them into His house (Malachi 3:8-11). Like David, our testifier chose to offer His God an offering that cost Him something and He got an extremely costly gift in return from our God who we can never out-give. Above all, our testifier is blessed because he had the wisdom to win souls, including that of his aged father, because He that wins souls is wise (Proverbs 11:30). May you also find grace to walk in wisdom, as you pay your vows to God faithfully. May you key into the principle of seedtime and harvest as you offer and provoke God with that gift that truly cost you something. DECLARE: As I honour the LORD with my substance, my barn shall be filled with plenty, my press shall burst out with new wine(Proverbs 3:9-10); It shall be well with me, for I shall eat the fruit of my doing(Isaiah 3:10) in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, Amen (Proverbs 3:9-10). Blessed/Encouraged/Inspired by our SEE Magazine SUCCESS testimony? Be part of Kingdom witnesses using documented miracles to stir up hope, strengthen faith and make a difference to the glory of God. Share this link, facebook/seeinspirationsmag, with someone for today’s top turning point testimony culled from SEE inspirations Magazine. Share your inspiring testimony by mailing to: chiefeditor@seeinspirationsmagazine (We overcome by the blood of the lamb & by the word of our testimony….Rev 12:11). Read more inspiring testimonies/columns culled from SEE inspirations Magazine; Become a SEE MAG Partner, inspire the world through your giving - visit seeinspirationsmagazine
Posted on: Tue, 18 Jun 2013 08:03:32 +0000

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