SEE... THE... FARM... IF YOU WANT TO BE FREE ! Once YOU see the - TopicsExpress


SEE... THE... FARM... IF YOU WANT TO BE FREE ! Once YOU see the FARM ---> REALIZE that to be free YOU need only to ACT on your epiphany AND restore the RULE of OUR Ninth and especially TENTH LAWs, which We The People ordained and established upon our elected Republican and Democrat Farmers, now enslaving us and are turning all of us into serfs and vassals here on the newest Farm called America. Our Founding Fathers sought to prevent our elected Republican and Democrat Farmers from herding us into the pens of just another farm for their benefit and for the benefit of their marionette handlers; the Powers that Be who ultimately are the Trilateral Commission and the Council on Foreign Relations who were created and founded and, for all intents and purposes, owned by the forty private owners of the Federal Reserve cartel of 12 banking interests whose ownership primarily resides in London England. I will now provide you with the KEY to UNDERSTANDING how you are being personally farmed and have been penned cattle all due to the most heinous CRIMINAL contempt for our Ninth and especially our TENTH Amendment laws, which according to the preamble of The Constitution, We The People ordained and established to secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity and so our elected Republican and Democrat enemies of our Bill of Rights would NEVER be able to herd us into the farming pens. With this knowledge, I most fervently supplicate that you will now see why OUR Tenth Amendment law only limits our elected Republican and Democrat usurper despots to spend money on and to the powers enumerated under Article I Section 8 of the Constitution so that BY SUPREME LAW they would never have the power or the money to corral us into vassalage and serfdom. Please ponder and deliberate over the edification in this video. Then ACT upon the knowledge by JOINING and EXECUTING the stratagem provided FOR YOU and ALL Americans to get off the FARM. READ about SOLIDARITY for Ninth and TENTH AMENDMENTS COALITION and SIGN UP HERE: https://facebook/events/1464895897101312/?source=1 Should you wish to share this, Please, copy and paste the entire post. - Capt. Karl
Posted on: Fri, 12 Sep 2014 15:40:48 +0000

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