SEE WHAT YOU HAVE, AND NOT WHAT YOU DONT Bless the LORD, O my soul; And all that is within me, bless His holy name! Bless the LORD, O my soul, And forget not all His benefit. Ps. 103:1-2 A man was always angry with God because he was owed by the firm he is working for; his anger continued that he stopped attending church services. One day while he was at home, on a Sunday, he was discussing with some one with a higher academic qualifications than himself over the state of the economy in their society, while the discuss was on, he started complaining that he hasn’t been paid for a long period, at least someone is owing you replied the other man, for me, I wish I was employed like you and be owed. The devil hinders us from seeing what God had provided for us, he only points our attentions to what God is yet to give to us. And when we become victims, we begin to complain and murmur over what we don’t have rather than giving thanks for what we do have and when we murmur, we sin and hinder God from blessing us with more there by delaying the answers to our prayers. While the man using glasses is complaining that His eyes isn’t perfect, their are blind people that are praying that God should let them see the face of a loved one even for an hour and take back there sight. Let’s not forget the benefits (how God had benefited us), lets chose to see what God had giving to us rather that what He is yet to give to us, by doing that, we would develop a thankful heart and thankful hearts spurs God into giving us what He is yet to give to us. Murmuring and complaining are the spirit of delayed prayers. Thankfulness spurs God into action. Look around and see what God had done for you rather than what He is yet to do, not until you thank Him for what He had done, He won’t do again. Let’s count His benefits towards us and paste them on this wall. Love you Pastor Promise Ikpe Share the word
Posted on: Sat, 24 Aug 2013 19:25:07 +0000

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