SEED SOWING towards the MIRACLE! Hear what the Lord says through - TopicsExpress


SEED SOWING towards the MIRACLE! Hear what the Lord says through a revelation about seed sowing. Occasionally, until a seed is sown over some issue, the promise of prophesy is not consummated for manifestation (Gen. 8:14-22; 9:1-3). The promise of God to Abraham for his seed was activated when he sowed Isaac as a seed (Gen. 12:1-3; 22:15-18). 1. Let us look into the following about SEED SOWING: *. Seed is the manufacturer and the carrier of fulfillment. *. The dignity of seed is tied to fulfillment. Seed speaks and fulfillment answers. Price is all about seed. *. The earlier seed is sown the earlier fulfillment appears. *. A fertile seed is a fertile fulfillment. *. Any productive of anointing is where seed is sown. *. Great seed brings great fulfillment. Without seed, life is invalid. *. Attraction on fulfillment is based on seed sowing. *. Seed speaks more than prayers. *. Seed establishes a covenant right (Gen. 8:21-22). Anything covenants attract a covenant. Covenant speaks more than prayers. *. When life is tough, seed breaks the barrier. *. He that eats the seed, will meet the need. If you allow God to eat your seed, He will meet your need. *. Always sow your seed in a place that have the ability, anointing, or grace to respond to your need. 2. FACTORS THAT MAKE YOUR SEED FRUITFUL. *. Name the expected harvest. What you are expecting as a miracle. It must be relevant to an existing promise. *. Let the purpose of the sowing be singular. *. Cover the seed out of sight. Dont begin to tell people about the seed you sowed. *. Let it be a quality seed. *. Pray against the spirit of delay. *. Praise God for His faithfulness in bringing you the expected harvest. *. Be practically expectant. Learn to sow seed and open your doors of fulfillment. Shallom!
Posted on: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 09:52:51 +0000

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