SEEDTIME AND HARVEST I call heaven and earth to record this - TopicsExpress


SEEDTIME AND HARVEST I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live: Deuteronomy 30:1 I am a proponent of the philosophy that reality consists of two basic opposing elements, often regarded as mind and matter or good and evil. But all the same whether other people believe or not now does not change the factuality about what is known about dualism. Dualism is a philosophy, opinion or belief that everything has two opposite parts or principles which can be expressed as direct antonym. For example, light and darkness, life and death, living and dying, good and evil and consequently God and Beelzebub. For instance, when we mention even numbers, the direct opposite is odd numbers, but two is not a direct antonyms of three, even though two is a representative of even numbers, while three is an odd number. I also believe there is nothing like a state of inactivity, for when a man is not doing good deeds he must have been doing evil ones. This is the extent to which I driven my own opinion about dualism to. Even though we have realized we acted wrongly; we actually thought we were voting rightly when we chose President Jonathan. Voting is like sowing or planting a seed, while governance whether good or bad is reaping what you have sowed. Another serious point for consideration is the discovery that things come from the opposite of what they are and this can be cited from a model like: from living comes dying and from dying comes from living again. It may appear a little contentious to attempt to prove this abstract belief as it applies to humans, but it is easier with plants, seedlings or seeds. When a seed is planted, it will first decompose before it germinates. I used contentious in the sense that the doctrine supporting that a person may be reborn successively is frowned upon by the society today. But what can be inferred from the Bible relating to Elijah and John the Baptizer? Life can be a series of actions obeying the laws that classifies things into twofold. We feed as we excrete the waste, we grow stronger and then weaker and we die from death new babies are born in that continuum. The season during which seeds are planted is called seedtime, it can be a time of new development or the beginning of a process and the opposite is harvest time or period of gleaning or consequence of an action. Seedtime most of the time determines the degree of harvest, so if one sows sparingly, he or she will reap sparingly. Whatever a man or woman has done in the past shall determine the side of fortune the future rests. So invariably ones past can constitute seedtime while the future can be season of harvest . This is the live drama that is gradually unfolding in the politics of Nigeria now. Like that famous female country singer realized Gods mercy and sang about the coat of many colours her Mother made for her. President Goodluck Jonathan, who had no shoe of his own as a young chap, realized the unmerited favour God had bestowed upon him, but soon arrogated Gods glory to his own sophistication and expertness. He has forgotten his second term (harvest) would be determined by the first term (seedtime). Whether he has sown bountifully (done well) or sparingly (badly) will soon be made known to him by the electorates he considers foolish, uninformed and lacking in decision making. However, if seedtime is a direct action of what one must have done in the past; the overwhelming support General Mohammadu Buhari is enjoying today must have been the reckoning of the good deeds he had done during his reign as a leader who detested, fought and defeated indiscipline and associated corrupt practices. He had sown bountifully in the past and his harvest of acceptance and to be voted for shall also be bountifully rewarded. The reason we are in this precarious situation is because we relegated the basic element of choosing a leader to the background in picking Mr Jonathan. We voted for him not because he demonstrated eloquence or attractiveness or any good action or reason at all. We just voted. That he is campaigning today is a sign that he has not done well and if there is an area he has succeeded;it is in disappointing us. Nevertheless, another season of seedtime is here again to choose between Buhari / Osibanjo and Jinathan / Sambo. The choice we make on St Valentines Day 2015 will determine another 1460 days of our lives from August 2015 to God knows when. The choices are between light and darkness, honour and dishonour, life and death, good and evil, rule of law and impunity and freedom and slavery. While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease. Genesis 8:22 Kehinde Fayanju UKE 08035426741
Posted on: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 08:18:48 +0000

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