SEEK DAILY (NBC) Friday, December 5 Matthew 3:13-17 MY SON, THE - TopicsExpress


SEEK DAILY (NBC) Friday, December 5 Matthew 3:13-17 MY SON, THE BELOVED This is my Son, whom I love, with Him I am well pleased. Matthew 3:17b, NIV In seeking employment today, applicants are often asked to submit attestation from people who can approve of them and invariably stand as their sureties. Today’s text contains God’s attestation of Jesus: the best attestation anyone can give of another. God proclaimed it for all to hear. Jesus’ baptism marked the beginning of His messianic ministry, hence the need for His public endorsement. His baptism indicated that He was consecrated to God and officially approved by Him, as shown in the descent of the Holy Spirit and the words of the Father. By His baptism, Jesus completely identified Himself with humanity’s sin. He needed no repentance or cleansing from sin but had to take our place. The Holy Spirit came upon Him, not to give Him power over sin (because He was sinless), but to equip Him for His work as the divine–human Messiah. The voice from heaven authenticated Jesus’ unique sonship and confirmed Psalm 2:7. You are very fortunate to hear of this highly recommended Son of God. Accept Him and expect a grand turn-around in your life. • Birthday Blessing: “And the gentiles shall come to thy light, and kings to the brightness of thy rising-” Isaiah 60:3 Read Bible Through Passage: Daniel 11; 1 John 5. Though our feelings come and go, God’s love for us does not. - Anonymous
Posted on: Fri, 05 Dec 2014 05:07:19 +0000

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