SEEK DAILY (NBC) Monday, July 29 Exodus 23:12-17 RHYTHMS OF WORK - TopicsExpress


SEEK DAILY (NBC) Monday, July 29 Exodus 23:12-17 RHYTHMS OF WORK AND WORSHIP “Six days do your work, but on the seventh day do not work ….” Exodus 23:12a, NIV God is concerned about the way we use the natural resources He has graciously given us or put under our care. This was why He introduced the weekly Sabbath and the sabbatical year. The weekly Sabbath was to remind the Israelites that they belong to God and also need to rest so as to be healthy. The sabbatical year was to give rest and restoration to the land and those working on it. The people were to gather together to worship God at the Feast of Tabernacles or Booths. This feast was celebrated after agricultural harvest or end of the season, by implication it comes at the end of work. Work and worship go together in the life of humans and one must not disturb the other. In essence, you cannot say that because you are reading for an exam or working on a project you will not worship God. You must find the time to worship the LORD. Do not pay so much attention on material things at the expense of true worship. Prayer Point: Pray that you will strike a balance between your work and God’s worship. Read Bible Through Passage: Job 21, 22, 23; Acts 25 *********************** Endeavour to rebroadcast this devotional message to others on your contact list. Have a happy night rest.
Posted on: Sun, 28 Jul 2013 21:23:00 +0000

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