SEEK DAILY Saturday, August 10 - TopicsExpress


SEEK DAILY Saturday, August 10 Luke 15:1-10 JOY IN HEAVEN “Just so, I tell you, there is joy before the angels of God over one sinner who repents.” Luke 15:10, NIV The passage for today’s devotion shows Jesus’ response to a question with a story that contradicted the opinion of the Pharisees that the love of God was exclusively for them. He illustrated it with two parables, which have the same meaning. The parable of the lost sheep is to show the care of God for all humankind. It is also to put on record that the repentance and conversion of sinners (of any race) on earth brings joy and rejoicing in heaven. Brethren, it is still possible to bring that sinner you know to repentance. While anyone is alive, God still has hope on him/her _even the worst of sinners can still find mercy if they repent. Are you a sinner? Maybe you are an armed robber, fornicator or a cheat; you can make God and the host of heaven happy today by turning from your sins. As a believer, through your preaching and witness, you can bring great joy before the glorious throne of our Creator today. RBT Passage: Ps. 35-37; Rom. 8:1-17
Posted on: Fri, 09 Aug 2013 20:30:57 +0000

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