SEEKING ASSISTANCE FROM EXPERIENCED PERSONNEL IN THE FILING OF A CIVIL ACTION LAWSUIT. Those of whom background and references are astute and impressive with the credentials of a true legal aid. If you are familiar with such avenues of law, here is what my goal consists of: I wish to file a lawsuit on a September 23-25, 2013 trial case # 11-F3328, whereas my son, Chris Wesley, was found guilty & convicted of Aggravated Battery, Attempted Armed Robbery with the use of a firearm and Possession of a Firearm by a Convicted Felon. He was sentenced to 65 years as a habitual offender. The D.A. presented no physical evidence in his case and the victims statement was inconsistent. Chris has an alibi and his fingerprints nor D.N.A were found at the scene of the crime. No gun was found, so how can a person be charged and convicted for something that the police never had proof of ? The burden of proof lies on the state to prove someone committed said crime. The D.A. used his prestige and power, as an authoritative figure of the state to influence the jury, ensuing them as to the finding of guilt to be their duty. His jurors were biased, as in nine (9) Caucasian females, one (1) African-American female, one (1) African-American male and one (1) Caucasian male. The review of evidence would show that there was no way GUILT should have been found. The jury deliberated for about 45 minutes to an hour. That is not justice but cruel and unusual punishment. My goal is to file a civil action (lawsuit) against all jurors in their individual capacity for subjecting my son to Deliberate Indifference, Cruel and Unusual Punishment and for the Assistance in the False Imprisonment of an Innocent Person under 42 U.S.C. 1983. Redress will be sought against the following constituents: 01) James R. Smith (FOREMAN) 02) Ramona M. Greer 03) Monica W. Hicks 04) Debra A. Watson 05) Donna G. Baldwin 06) Michael L. Baham 07) Lisa E. Sims 08) Cynthia L. Peppers 09) Bridgette M. Bagwell 10) Amy J. Cady 11) Jessica N. Huff 12) Sarah R. ONeal That is why I am making such a request to prove my sons innocence, also to show others that, we as people, are unfair and unjust when we feel that we have to send an innocent person to prison to show Judges and D.A.s that we can and will do it without pity, remorse or shame...
Posted on: Mon, 15 Sep 2014 17:26:28 +0000

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