* SEEKING THE GOD WHO FIRST SOUGHT AFTER YOU* PART 1...there is a presumption in the church that every body understands this but in reality we dont understand this like we need to understand this.i think its very very important that we understand that the responsibility once you have become a christian shifts to you,for you to aggressively seek after God.you be suprised at the people who give their lives to Christ,they just sit down and say ok I v arrived and they think every thing is now Cruz control,automatically just happens on its on but in reality it does not happen. You have to become an aggressive christian,to see Gods people become aggressive is one of the great challenge.we are too passive and passive people get left behind.you have to be aggressive for the things of God,you have to be aggressive for your vision and your dream.its not gonna happen if you dont force it.if you dont understand that you gonna lack behind other people who are aggressive than you and you gonna ask if God is treating you fairly and you gonna say you waiting on God but in reality God is waiting on you. Tallying is something we did before the holy spirit came but now the holy spirit is here we are not left in a position of waiting on the lord,the lord is waiting on you and thats about TRUE of everything God has for you.and once you begin to chase after those things you put yourself in a position were God can bless you. I wanna know what you believe,and then I wanna know how your works correspond with what you believe. If you believing that God is going to do Big then how can i c your faith and actions corresponding with what you believe. Because if you really believe that God is going to do anything in your life,your actions must be in line with what you believe.and you wont have need to tell people what you believe cause your actions LL tell people what you believe, i v found that people who do the most shouting do the least work.cause we seam to have a resposibility to tell people bout our faith rather than just live out our faith.you dont have to talk prosperity,just be prosperous.dont tell me bout healing,if you got the gift of healing just heal.you dont have to tell me that you are a prophet,just prophesy.you see alot of times we are so busy getting the recognition but we dont meet the requirements.just,just do it..what God told you to do.in order to become a doere and not a hearer of the word you need to become aggressive. But some people are on the other extreme.they are aggressive and they have zeal but their zeal is not according to knowledge.they are very very aggressive but their aggressive is wild and its born out of the flesh,born out of their ambition and greed and even out of their need and thats not what am suggesting.am not just saying to go out their and do something but am saying to getting your actions to line up with the will of God,with your faith. The bible says in Habakuk 2, write a vision and make it plain and let him that readeth it run there by So there ought to be a connection between your vision and your feet.you ought to be able to watch my feet the way am running if you cant get to what i have written.so you running in alignment to what you v written and you have written what God has spoken.so if i wanna know what God has spoken and i cant get to what you have written,i need to be able to seat back and watch how you running because you ought to be running in alignment with what you have written. . #To Be Continued in Part 2#
Posted on: Tue, 12 Nov 2013 12:22:57 +0000

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