SEEKING THOSE WHO ARE OF LIKE PRECIOUS FAITH I Peter 1:1 1Simon Peter, a bond-servant and apostle of Jesus Christ, To those who have received a faith of the same kind as ours, by the righteousness of our God and Savior, Jesus Christ: 2Grace and peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord; Dear brothers and sisters, those that would call yourselves apostles and prophets and other ministry gifts, by now if youve been following my writings whether you click [Like] or dont like what is written, even so you should fully be understanding why I insist that an authentic apostle doesnt wear robes, clergy collars, apostle, prophet or bishop rings, Cossacks, or any of the symbols of religion. Nor are authentic apostles authority abusers, territorial or unteachable. They are not pretentious or hypocritical. These realities of Kingdom life are also true of prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers, those who make up GODS divine order of the Church, His gifts He chose to equip the saints to do ministry. I also insist that all of the disciples who later became apostles and the five-fold had preached the specific message of the Kingdom that Jesus preached, and taught on how to live the Kingdom driven life just as Jesus did, and they did it not with enticing words of mans wisdom but in a demonstration of power and if this truth is to be believed, then we need to know and understand that the bishops were not exempt, having been entrusted with the responsibility of helping the pastors maintain sound doctrine. James the 1/2 brother of Jesus and first bishop of the church teaches us this in James 2:8. This bishop instructs that to love your neighbor is you keeping the royal law. Where did he get such a concept from? He got the concept of royal law from the same place Peter used the term royal to denote our priesthood as being royal and John, who calls us a nation of kingly priests. They got these Kingdom concepts, these ideas of Kingdom living from Jesus who came and made them to be royalty even as He is royalty. Today there are those who say that they are apostles and either they are not, or they are apostles who are still in training and have yet to get the Kingdom message Jesus preached that they would make it their own. This holds true for all leadership even though I am specifically addressing apostles. Of all that todays so called apostles call themselves preaching, if they are not preaching the same doctrine Jesus preached they do not have the fellowship with Him that they think they have. This kingdom reality is so serious that Jesus said you can prophesy and cast out devils, and do many miraculous works in My name but if you are not submitted to the words of His Father then you are iniquity to Him and He never knew you. According to Jesus you will be burned in the fire. So those who really have fellowship with Jesus on GODS terms also preach the same thing Jesus preached, and He preached the Kingdom of God, that it was present in the days He came preaching the Kingdom, its present now, yet also eternal to come. We can preach all kinds of subjects out of the Bible that ultimately have been no more than religious preaching, or we can repent, come back to Jesus and learn the gospel message that we are to be preaching from Him, and like children, receive and obey Jesus instruction, or persist in the narrow theologies of our blind leaders who have led the blind into a ditch. Wake up church, God is no longer winking at our religious foolishness but is commanding men everywhere to repent, rethink, and turn, having made the theological adjustments that free us from the bondage of religion and unites us in Kingdom truth. Those who believe the truth become united by the truth, but those who refuse to believe the truth either because they dont know it, or reject the truth once its been revealed, cannot walk in agreement, their pride, ego, ignorance, immaturity, or perhaps their rebellion prohibits them from walking in agreement with brethren of like precious faith. Beloved, judgment has begun at the house of the Lord, and this judgment has been upon the Church since the 2nd century. Dont you agree, its time to repent, rediscover the Kingdom and live the truth of all that ministry is really supposed to be? Where are the brethren of like precious faith or at least those who have the courage to question their theology that theyre faith would be all the more rooted and grounded in love and the truth? Ambassador, Dr. Leonard Robinson 267-357-9816
Posted on: Fri, 15 Aug 2014 23:44:30 +0000

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