SEGNET INTERNATIONAL CONCEPT DEFRAUDS FMC STAFF. The plateau state public primary school teachers who ar currently hoping to get their Assets loan along with maxi or mini class bonuses should read this; there is currently unease among the staff of the federal medical centre (FMC) Owerri as they wait endlessly for a purported asset acquisition company to fulfil their own part of a business bargain. Acording to the story narrated by thesecretary general of the hospital staff welfare association comr. Umah Iyke Godwin, the copany approached the joint health sector union of the hospital & made several presentation regarding a purported ample oportunity that would enable members of staff acquire different categories of goods with the payment period spread over years at the buyers convinience. The period of payment range frm 3 months to 5years, while assets available included vehicles, tricycles, motorcycles, washing machines & other household/office equipments. The company also offer to construct water bore holes to interested individuals for a fee payable over a long period. The company went further to mandate intending beneficiaries of the scheme to buy house hold equipments of btw 20 to 100 thousand. These items when bought, & fully paid for, qualifies an intending participant to qualify for the exercise. Interestingly, this items were sold at exorbitant prices about 50% more than the market price. Hundreds of staff subscribed to the plan, buying different items, filling neccessary forms, & submitting relevant documents. A date was set for the delivery of the main items to be preceded by an alert to confirm exactly what items to be delivered. Agreed date were repetedly postponed with some staff receiving the sms alerts while others did nt get. SEGNET international concept kept reasuring the staff that every technical log jam would be sorted out & all who signified interest would be happy at the end of the day. Like fairy tale, the said goods are yet to be delivered six months after the transaction. The main facilitator Mr. Sunday Kolawole no longer takes calls or reply text. The letter headed of the fraudulent company has two phone numbers 08121129873 & 08105405253 with its address at 14 Adeniyi street Trinity road westminister Apapa Lagos. what convinced us to fall prey was the long payment duration , the huge profit they were supposed to make equivalent to a hire purchase arrangement couple with the exotic cars they were coming with made us believe they were real Umah concluded. SOURCE: The leader news online. With this, teachers, i hope you now know ur position regarding the Assets loan you were expecting.
Posted on: Sat, 30 Aug 2014 12:04:06 +0000

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