SELAMAT BALIK KAMPUNG & JOM DAFTAR MENGUNDI MyOverseasVote and Global Bersih wish a Selamat Balik Kampung and Jom Daftar Mengundi to all overseas Malaysians who will balik kampung during Christmas 2014, New Year and Chinese New Year 2015. Having secured voting rights for all Malaysians living overseas in the run-up to GE13, MyOverseasVote and Global Bersih are concerned that the authorities are now trying to discourage new voter registration by not implementing automatic voter registration and by prohibiting the appointment of party assistant registrars. We would like to take this opportunity to remind all Malaysians who have recently turned 21 or who have never registered to vote, to visit their local post office with their MyKad when they are back in Malaysia and take 10 minutes of their holiday time to register as voters. Please note that unless a voter is changing his or her MyKad address, Malaysians only need to register as a voter once in their lifetime. If you have voted at a previous general election or registered as a voter previously, you do not need to register again. Being a registered voter is a pre-condition for being eligible to apply for an overseas postal vote at the next general election.
Posted on: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 07:37:04 +0000

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