SELF BRANDING A brand starts as an idea befor e it become s - TopicsExpress


SELF BRANDING A brand starts as an idea befor e it become s what you see today on tv,posters etc..Never ask a man what he know,but what he can do.A fellow may know everything that’s happened since the Lord started the ball rolling ,and not be able to do anything to keep it from stopping. Most talkers are crowd pleasers and attention seekers but not all of them.You know them and you see them everyday droping the ball. A brand is foolish in the sense that it is what it is ,its either you like it or you don’t. It is innovative ,but never changing, as it sticks to the basics.Books are all right,but dead men’s brains are no good unless you mix a live one’s with them. It isn’t what a man’s got in the bank ,but what he’s got in his head,that makes him a great merchant. It is not what a man thinks he is ,but what people say about him that makes him great. It is not what people say about him that makes him fall or rise but they way he handles it determines if he will survive ,fall ,die or shine. Rob a miser’s safe and he’s broke ;but you can’t break a big merchant with a jimmy and a stick of dynamite.The first would have to start again just where he began-hording up pennies; the second would have his principal assets intact. But accumulating knowledge or piling up money ,just to have a little more of either than the next fellow,is a tool game that no broad-gauged man has time enough to sit in.Too much learnig,like too much money,makes most men narrow. I simply mention these things in a general way.You know blame well that I don’t understand any Latin,and so when you spring it on me you are simply showing a customer the wrong line of goods. The world is full of bright men who know all the right things to say and who say them in the wrong places. A brand is exclusive or available to a certain market ,it is designed to be that way. Not all of us can succeed and own cars, otherwise who will be shouted by taxi drivers for not knowing the directions. We don’t all have to be rich ,for the rich need sevants. Being rich is not out of reach ,but you need a good net for you to be able to catch the fish and be selfish. It is a tedious process that takes hours days ,for some it might take a life time. A young fellow always thinks that if he doesn’t talk he seems stupid, but it’s better to shut up and seem dull than to open up and prove yourself a fool. To who though because everybody ‘s got a right to talk and you speak they way you do because you chose to. Being yourself is not only a unique talent but a gift that is continuously there for all to see. The cameras are always rolling,CUT!! You might be in order or out of order; When they tell you this you need to wonder ,but who created these borders? It’s a pretty good rule to show your best goods last. Robert H Schuller once said;your best ideas and talents are hidden within you ,just like gold is underneath the earth. If gold was freely available we would all be rich ,but who would want to buy it. Would you want diamonds if it was ‘not for their value. Knowing they can make you look good ,but are a good resource that can make you eat is the added value. Blame your parents for whatever reason but you are responsible for your own price tag. What value are you adding to yourself and those around you? Are you valuable, but despised like rainfall. Or are you the sun that helps people to enjoy warmness ,but when you get hotter people try to avoid you although they need you anyway. So they cannot say no to you or though at times you might be harmful. Or are you just a wind that nobody cares about ,but there for a purpose that nobody understand .Or are you the moon that starts small then get bigger for everyone to see, accompanied by the stars giving light and hope, so much that we dread a time when you won’t be there. Or you are a mosquito that bullies itself into exhausted drowsy faces making a nuisance and making it hard for people to rest and dream. Or you are a tornado that comes like a speed of light and wrecks every things and lives garbage behind it ,so much that nobody misses it when its gone, if they do by mistake. Or you are the sea that is so vast and beautiful but feared ,so much water to swim, but not helpful to a thirsty throat. Useful but not appreciated, ignored like a clock on the wall, only when you don’t have energy to perform your duties do people start noticing what a useful fool you are. If you are represented in the options above indicate or if none of the above represents you then tell yourself who are you, Who cares? Extact from Letter from a Self-Made Merchant to His Son by Gorge Horace Lorimer (1903)&Remixed by Dazel Vokwana (2014)
Posted on: Tue, 26 Aug 2014 10:09:02 +0000

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