SELF LOVE 1Cor. 10:12 - Dont be so naive and self-confident. - TopicsExpress


SELF LOVE 1Cor. 10:12 - Dont be so naive and self-confident. Youre not exempt. You could fall flat on your face as easily as anyone else. Forget about self-confidence; its useless. Cultivate God-confidence. - The Message Bible I greet you friends in the Wonderful Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen Believe in yourself I believe I can fly! Learning to love yourself, is the greatest love of all Knowledge of self Touch your inner self Tap into your human spirit You are your destiny What is your zodiac sign? All these are popular sayings in our days. We hear them in our secular society often. You watched Oprah Winfrey, will many times encourage you to tap into your inner self! But does God encourage us to search and find ourselves on our own? Should we build up ourselves without him or his knowledge of us? What does the Word tell us about practicing self knowledge or tapping into our human spirit? Well, the Bible calls this an abomination! Your human spirit and knowledge of self is only to be manifested from your relationship with Jesus Christ. Only God knows who you are and only the Word of God can teach you how to be who he says you are. I know this is a touchy subject, but I am going to say something! We as believers cannot be coaxed into finding ourselves without God. God made us, and he knows who we are and why we are. We cannot take the advice of people that do not support the true written Word of God. These self healers and self preachers are warped in their thinking because they feel somehow that they can bypass the Bible and show you who you are without the creator of you. God forbid. In the Old Testament, the Egyptians were a culture very much like ours today. They began worshipping themselves and idol gods. They would pierce their bodies in places as sacrificial pain rituals. They would tattoo themselves to channel gods and spirits. They would worship objects as gods. They would tap into their human spirit to do supernatural things such as healing the ill, magic, levitation, and other things. They would worship themselves and believe that they were the true gods of this planet. They would consult the stars for their destiny, or consult psychics for guidance. But God took his people out of that culture because that culture totally denied him as God. Even though they acknowledged that there was a Jehovah God, because they worshipped other gods, it made their knowledge of Jehovah God non existent. (God has to be your only God or he is not your God at all!) When you practice all this self love, self worship, and self seeking, you totally take God out of the picture. Yes, we should be confident and be who we are in the Kingdom of God but without Jesus, we are nothing. Without his Words, we dont know who we are. How can you find yourself without choosing his ways or following his Word? And you must never tap into the power of your human spirit because its reserved for our communication with God alone! Our human spirit is only for Gods use, and its an abomination for us to tap into it! The first rule in following God is to deny yourself, not promote yourself or find yourself! Learning to love yourself is not the greatest love of all according to the Word of God. Follow Jesus, and he will teach you who you are. For I know that my Redeemer lives! Ps Tati
Posted on: Mon, 17 Nov 2014 07:42:38 +0000

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