SELF TEST ASSESSMENT NO. 8 TOTAL MARKS 10 PASS MARKS 5 Upload ur marks in comments plz 1.CHOP plus rituximab is used in treatmment of Non Hodgkin disease.CHOP includes all except a). Cyclophosmide b). Vincristine c). doxorubicin d). prednisolone 2. Zanamivir a neuraminidase inhibitor used for treatment of Influenza is administered a) orally b) inhaled c) intranasally d) both c & b 3. A fugistatic drug ketoconazol is not effective against a). Histoplasma b). Candida c). Coccidioes d). Aspergillus 4.A person developed ANTHRAX for which ciprofloxacin is drug of choice. But Cipro is contraindicated. What will be alternative. a) Doxycycline b) Sulfasalzine c). Ticarcilline d). Gentamicin 5. Treatment of ADHD ( attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) includes all except a) atomextine b) amphetamine c) Dexmethylphenidate d) Varencillin 6. Nicotine is a appetite a) suppressant b) enhancer c) at low dose act as enhancer d) No effect 7). Angel Dust is a) phentermine b) phencyclidine c) LSD d) Modafinil 8). Normal CrCl is a). 75–125 mL/min b) 8–18 mL/min c) 100–190 mL/min d) 30–120 mL/min 9) Antidot for Cyanide is a) Amyl nitrate pearl b) sodium nitrite c) sodium thiosulphate d) all of the above 10) Creatinine is derived from creatine and phosphocreatine, major constituents of …………. a) Bones b) muscles c) Blood d) Plasma protein
Posted on: Fri, 09 Aug 2013 15:19:25 +0000

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