SELLING: EDH DECKS (1k ea lang po) DECKLISTS: - - - - - - - - TopicsExpress


SELLING: EDH DECKS (1k ea lang po) DECKLISTS: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - COMMANDER: Anafenza, The Foremost LANDS (36) 7 Forests 7 Swamps 6 Plains 1 Terramorphic Expanse 1 Evolving Wilds 1 Temple Of The False God 1 Selesnya Sanctuary 1 Orzhov Basilica 1 ORzhov Guildgate 1 Selesnya Guildgate 1 Golgari Guildgate 1 Rupture Spire 1 Graypelt Refuge 1 Blossoming Sands 1 Jungle Hollow 1 Scoured Barrens 1 Vitu-Ghazi, The City Tree 1 Sandsteppe Citadel 1 Secluded Steppe CREATURES (21) 1 Viridian Shaman 1 High Sentinels OF Arashin 1 Dawnbringer Charioteers 1 Nyx-Fleece Ram 1 Sakura Tribe Elder 1 Fiend Hunter 1 Sin Collector 1 Vengeful Archon 1 Fencing Ace 1 Divinity Of Pride 1 Armament Corps 1 Pharikas Mender 1 Vitu-GHazi Guildmage 1 Prized Elephant 1 Vizkopa Guildmage 1 Teysa, Envoy Of Ghosts 1 Steward Of Valeron 1 Enlisted Wurm 1 Mausoleum Guard 1 Revenant Patriarch 1 FLeshbag Marauder ENCHANTMENTS (7) 1 Unflinching Courage 1 Gift Of Orzhova 1 Abzan Ascendancy 1 Eland Umbra 1 Blind Obedience 1 Suspension Field 1 JOurney To Nowhere INSTANTS (13) 1 PRofit/Loss 1 Consume Strength 1 ABzan Charm 1 Humble 1 Ready/Willing 1 Skeletal Scrying 1 Victim Of Night 1 Murderous Cut 1 Devour Flesh 1 Hold The Line 1 Grisly Spectacle 1 Geths Verdict 1 Celestial Flare ARTIFACTS (5) 1 Abzan Banner 1 Nuisance Engine 1 Darksteel INgot 1 Behemoth Sledge 1 Slagwurm Armor SORCERIES (17) 1 Appetite For Brains 1 Duress 1 Despise 1 Duneblast 1 Kin-Tree INvocation 1 Ambitions Cost 1 Nights Whisper 1 Sign In Blood 1 Search For Tomorrow 1 Debt To Deathless 1 Nissas Expedition 1 Revoke Existence 1 Call Of The Conclave 1 Unburial Rites 1 Farseek 1 Down/Dirty 1 Alive/Well - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - COMMANDER: 1 Ob-Nixilis Unshackled (jap) LANDS (38) 35 Swamps 1 Radiant Fountain 1 Everglades 1 Polluted Mire ARTIFACTS (5) 1 Swiftfoot Boots 1 Elixir Of Immortality 1 Staff Of The Death MAgus 1 Bonehoard 1 Strata Scythe SORCERIES (20) 1 Psychic Miasma 1 Duress 1 Mind Sludge 1 Distress 1 Unburden 1 Despise 1 Pulling Teeth 1 Mind Rot 1 Killing Wave 1 Undercity Plague 1 Mind Shatter 1 Worst Fears 1 Mutilate (chinese) 1 Dead Drop 1 Aether Snap 1 Corrupt 1 Consume Spirit 1 Swallowing Plague 1 Sign In Blood 1 Rise From The Grave ENCHANTMENTS (2) 1 Bad Moon 1 PEstilence INSTANTS (10) 1 Skeletal Scrying 1 Snuff Out 1 Grisly Spectacle 1 Disfigure 1 Tendrils Of Corruption 1 ALtars Reap 1 Tribute To Hunger 1 Dark Ritual 1 Last Gasp 1 Disembowel CREATURES (24) 1 Paragon OF Open Graves 1 Hand Of Emrakul 1 Ulamogs Crusher 1 Pontiff Of blight 1 Sepulchral Primordial 1 Royal Assassin 1 Agent OF Erebos 1 Nantuko SHade 1 Squelching Leeches 1 Crypt Ghast 1 Bog Witch 1 Nekrataal 1 Howling Banshee 1 Gray Merchant Of Asphodel 1 Skeletal Vampire 1 Fleshbag MArauder 1 Phyrexian Rager 1 Keening Banshee 1 Twisted Abomination 1 Looming Shade 1 Slum Reaper 1 Evernight Shade 1 Burnished Heart 1 NEcropolis Fiend - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - COMMANDER: 1 Surrak Dragonclaw LANDS (36) 1 Rugged Highlands 1 Swiftwater Cliffs 1 Thornwood Falls 1 Simic Growth Chamber 1 Unknown Shores 1 Gruul Guildgate 1 Izzet Guildgate 1 Izzet Boilerworks 1 Encroaching Wastes 1 Frontier Bivouac 10 Forests 8 Mountains 8 Islands INSTANTS (17) 1 Rack ANd RUin 1 Think Twice 1 Turn To Frog 1 Into The Roil 1 Polymorphous Rush 1 Biomass Mutation 1 WInterflame 1 Convolute 1 Regress 1 Dragonshift 1 Turn/Burn 1 Temur Charm 1 Dissipate 1 Perilous Research 1 Disperse 1 Repopulate 1 Negate SORCERIES (6) 1 Ponder 1 Stolen Identity 1 Rampant Growth 1 AMass The Components 1 Urban Evolution 1 Seek The Horizon ARTIFACTS (8) 1 Temur Banner 1 Mageslayer 1 Izzet Keyrune 1 Simic Keyrune 1 Gruul KEyrune 1 Darksteel Ingot 1 Gorgon FLail 1 Chariot Of Victory CREATURES (32) 1 DIluvian PRimordial 1 Wirewood Elf 1 Avalanche Tusker 1 Willbender 1 Merfolk Looter 1 Zhur-Taa Druid 1 Izzet Staticaster 1 Cudgel Troll 1 Cyclops of Eternal Fury 1 Vithian Renegades 1 Exuberant Firestoker 1 Spellbound Dragon 1 SIege Dragon 1 Burnished HEart 1 Voyaging Satyr 1 NIghtshade Peddler 1 Archetype Of Aggression 1 FOrgestoker Dragon 1 Palladium Myr 1 BEars Companion 1 Nivix Guildmage 1 Izzet Chronarch 1 Archetype Of Imagination 1 ANcient silverback 1 Wood Elves 1 Llanowar Elves 1 Kheru Spellsnatcher 1 Archaeomancer 1 Gruul Ragebeast 1 Goblin Electromancer 1 Mercurial Chemister 1 Stingscourger - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - COMMANDER: (RESERVED RESERVED RESERVED) 1 Narset, Enlightened Master LANDS (38) 8 Mountains 8 Islands 8 Plains 1 Azorius Guildgate 1 Azorius Chancery 1 Izzet GUildgate 1 Izzet Boilerworks 1 Boros Guildgate 1 Remote Isle 1 Forgotten Cave 1 Secluded Steppe 1 Tranquil Cove 1 Slayers Stronghold 1 Mystic Monastery 1 Remote Farm 1 Wind-Scarred Crag 1 Swiftwater Cliffs INSTANTS (18) 1 Fireminds Foresight 1 Regress 1 Fiery Fall 1 Izzet Charm 1 Arrows Of Justice 1 Faiths Shield 1 Winterflame 1 PRotect/Serve 1 Volcanic Fallout 1 Whiplash Trap 1 Riot Control 1 Homing Lightning 1 Azorius Charm 1 Wear/Tear 1 Turn/Burn 1 Flying Crane Technique 1 Thoughtflare 1 Arrow Volley Trap SORCERIES (10) 1 Treasure Cruise 1 Triplicate Spirits 1 Sea Gods REvenge 1 Revoke Existence 1 Amass The Components 1 Into The Void 1 Goblin Rally 1 JAgged Lightning 1 Blast Of Genius 1 Wild Guess ENCHANTMENTS (11) 1 Quiet Contemplation 1 Journey To Nowhere 1 Gleam Of Battle 1 Zephids Embrace 1 Stratus Walk 1 Shivs Embrace 1 Suspension Field 1 Detention SPhere 1 Aqueuos Form 1 Goblin Assault 1 Brave The Sands ARTIFACTS (12) 1 FIeldmist Borderpost 1 Erratic Portal 1 Jeskai Banner 1 Dreamstone HEdron 1 Sphere Of The Suns 1 Couriers Capsule 1 IZzet Keyrune 1 Boros KEyrune 1 Darksteel Ingot 1 Swiftfoot Boots 1 Azorius KEyrune 1 Meteorite CREATURES (10) 1 Goblin Electromancer 1 Kor Hookmaster 1 Man O War 1 Izzet Chronarch 1 Drogskol Reaver 1 Mulldrifter 1 Warden Of The Eye 1 Flickerwisp 1 Deputy Of Acquittals 1 Raven Familiar - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - COMMANDER: 1 Karametra, God Of Harvests ARTIFACTS (5) 1 Chariot Of Victory 1 BEhemoth Sledge 1 Darksteel Ingot 1 Wildfield Borderpost 1 Selesnya Keyrune SORCERY (8) 1 Bramblecrush 1 Overrun 1 Rampant Growth 1 Alive/Well 1 NAtures Lore 1 Lifes Legacy 1 Lead The Stampede 1 Revoke Existence INSTANTS (4) 1 Celestial Flare 1 Unravel THe Aether 1 Ray Of Revelation 1 Humble ENCHANTMENTS (5) 1 Bow Of Nylea 1 Journey To Nowhere 1 Unflinching Courage 1 Brave The Sands 1 Sigil OF The Nayan Gods CREATURES (40) 1 Prized Elephant 1 Rampaging Baloths 1 Indrik Stomphowler 1 Vine Trellis 1 Stonecloaker 1 Masked Admirers 1 Primordial Sage 1 Aegis Of The Gods 1 Lifeblood Hydra 1 Azorius Justiciar 1 Mwonvuli Beast Tracker 1 Stampeding Wildebeests 1 Palladium Myr 1 Elvish Visionary 1 Voyaging Satyr 1 Grazing Gladeheart 1 Copper Myr 1 Vitu-Ghazi Guildmage 1 BRonzeback Moa 1 sunseed Nurturer 1 Luminate Primordial 1 Fiend Hunter 1 Baloth Woodcrusher 1 Roaring PRimadox 1 Cliffrunner Behemoth 1 Feral Hydra 1 Wirewood Elf 1 Reclamation Sage 1 Sakura-Tribe Elder 1 Karametras Acolyte 1 Kor Sanctifiers 1 Lightwielder Paladin 1 NEssian Demolok 1 Heir Of The Wilds 1 Spirit Of The Labyrinth 1 Avacyns Pilgrim 1 Voyaging Satyr 1 Archetype Of Endurance 1 Burnished HEart 1 Juniper ORder Ranger LANDS (37) 13 Plains 16 Forests 1 Selesnya Sanctuary 1 Unknown Shores 1 Selesnya Guildgate 1 Blossoming Sands 1 Grove Of The Guardian 1 Zoetic Cavern 1 Graypelt Refuge 1 Tranquil Thicket - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - COMMANDER: (RESERVED RESERVED RESERVED) 1 Xenagos, God Of Revels CREATURES (39) 1 Kurgadon 1 Orcish Lumberjack 1 Kird Chieftain 1 Gruul Ragebeast 1 Zhur-Taa Ancient 1 Borderland Ranger 1 Skaarg Guildmage 1 Zhur-Taa Druid 1 Voyaging Satyr 1 Exuberant Firestoker 1 Vithian Renegades 1 Hammer Mage 1 Baloth Woodcrusher 1 Spitebellows 1 Llanowar Elves 1 Krosan Tusker 1 Indrik Stomphowler 1 Vine Trellis 1 Burnished Heart 1 Cyclops Of Eternal Fury 1 Wood Elves 1 Manaplasm 1 Feral Hydra 1 Shivan Dragon 1 Predator Dragon 1 Cliffrunner Behemoth 1 Blitz Hellion 1 Molten Primordial 1 Terrastodon 1 Acidic Slime 1 Paragon Of Eternal Wilds 1 Heir Of The Wilds 1 Sakura-Tribe Elder 1 Flametongue Kavu 1 Gaeas Revenge 1 Reclamation Sage 1 Valley Rannet 1 Satyr Hedonist 1 Karametras Acolyte SORCERY (10) 1 Prey Upon 1 Frenzied Tilling 1 Armed/Dangerous 1 Wild GUess 1 Seek The Horizon 1 Overrun 1 NAtures Lore 1 Farseek 1 Rampant Growth 1 Roar Of Challenge INSTANT (4) 1 Windstorm 1 Unravel THe Aether 1 Ancient Grudge 1 Pit Fight ENCHANTMENT (3) 1 Might Makes Right 1 Wolfcallers Howl 1 Gruul War Chant ARTIFACTS (6) 1 Inquisitors Flail 1 Darksteel Ingot 1 Mage Slayer 1 Gruul Cluestone 1 SPhere Of The Suns 1 Gruul Keyrune LANDS (37) 17 Forests 13 Mountains 1 Transguild Promenade 1 Gruul Guildgate 1 Gruul Turf 1 Rugged Highlands 1 Tranquil Thicket 1 Encroaching Wastes 1 Forgotten Cave 1 Unknown Shores - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - COMMANDER: Daxos Of Meletis LANDS (37) 15 Islands 14 Plains 1 Coastal Tower 1 Azorius Chancery 1 Azorius Guildgate 1 Faerie Conclave 1 Secluded Steppe 1 Vivid Meadow 1 Evolving Wilds 1 Radiant Fountain ENCHANTMENTS (9) 1 Nevermore 1 Detention Sphere 1 Oblivion Ring 1 Military Intelligence 1 Rest In Peace 1 First Response 1 Armored Ascension 1 Epharas Enlightenment 1 Drake Umbra ARTIFACTS (6) 1 Azorius Keyrune 1 Azorius Cluestone 1 Darksteel Ingot 1 Manalith 1 Butchers Cleaver 1 Kitesail SORCERIES (2) 1 Oust 1 Revoke Existence INSTANTS (26) 1 Hindering Light 1 Meddle 1 Remove Soul 1 Scatter Arc 1 Mana Leak 1 Negate 1 Dream Fracture 1 Counterspell 1 Annul 1 Deprive 1 Call To Heel 1 Dawn Charm 1 Protect/Serve 1 Vensers Diffusion 1 Devouring Light 1 Regress 1 Peek 1 Think Twice 1 Jaces Ingenuity 1 Perilous Research 1 Fact Or Fiction 1 Oblation 1 Turn To Frog 1 Disenchant 1 Mizzium Skin CREATURES (19) 1 Cryptic Annelid 1 Captain Of The Mists 1 Augur Of Bolas 1 Latch Seeker 1 Sea Gate Oracle 1 Mulldrifter 1 Neurok Commando 1 Pilgrims Eye 1 Ascended Lawmage 1 Lyev Skyknight 1 Skymark Roc 1 Jhessian Balmgiver 1 Ith. High Arcanist 1 Resolute Archangel 1 Dauntless River Marshall 1 Soulsworn Jury 1 Kor Sanctifiers 1 Azorius Justiciar 1 Niblis Of The Urn - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - COMMANDER: 1 Tromokratis LANDS (38) 1 Coral Atoll 1 Haunted Fengraf 1 Lonely Sandbar 1 Radiant Fountain 34 Islands ENCHANTMENTS (2) 1 Aether Barrier 1 Quiet Contemplation ARTIFACTS (2) 1 Staff Of The Death Magus 1 Cranial ARchive SORCERY (13) 1 Compulsive Research 1 Treasure Cruise 1 Amass The Components 1 Sift 1 Mana Vapors 1 Glimpse The Future 1 Call To Mind 1 Uncovered Clues 1 Taigams Scheming 1 Portent 1 Void Snare 1 Distorting Wake 1 Pull From The Deep INSTANTS (30) 1 Disperse 1 Condescend 1 Cancel 1 Counterspell 1 Disdainful Stroke 1 Memory Lapse 1 Annul 1 NEgate 1 Vex 1 Dream Fracture 1 Split Decision 1 Mana Leak 1 Deprive 1 Exclude 1 Scatter Arc 1 Second Sight 1 Catalog 1 Think Twice 1 Turn To Frog 1 Into The Roil 1 Boomerang 1 Wipe Away 1 Unsummon 1 Vapor Snag 1 Snapback 1 Regress 1 Spy Network 1 Griptide 1 Blustersquall 1 Deluge CREATURES (14) 1 Riftwing Cloudskate 1 Man O War 1 Martyr OF Frost 1 Azure Mage 1 Sea Gate ORacle 1 Mulldrifter 1 Archaeomancer 1 Merfolk Wayfinder 1 Kheru Spellsnatcher 1 Ixidron 1 Void Stalker 1 Fog Bank 1 Willbender 1 Stormtide Leviathan - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - COMMANDER TAjic, Blade Of The Legion LANDS (36) 17 Plains 14 Mountains 1 Forgotten Cave 1 Boros Garrison 1 Boros Guildgate 1 Secluded Steppe 1 Evolving Wilds SORCERIES (7) 1 Demolish 2 Devils Play 1 Righteous Charge 1 Desperate Stand 1 Seismic Stomp 1 Revoke Existence 1 Goblin Rally ARTIFACTS (3) 1 Hot Soup 1 Boros Guildgate 1 Darksteel Ingot INSTANTS (16) 1 Puncture Blast 1 Souls Fire 1 Warleaders Helix 1 Stir The Pride 1 Raise The Alarm 1 Wear/Tear 1 Rally The Peasants 1 Arrows Of Justice 1 Dauntless Onslaught 1 Pillar Of Light 1 Heat Ray 1 Phalanx Formation 1 Devouring Light 1 Reprisal 1 Rootborn Defense 1 Graceful Reprieve ENCHANTMENTS (10) 1 Indestructibility 1 Chained To The Rocks 1 Armored Ascension 1 Battle Mastery 1 First Response 1 Holy Mantle 1 Oblivion Ring 1 Journey To Nowhere 1 Glory Of Warfare 1 Font Of Ire CREATURES (27) 1 Hanweir Watchkeep 1 Goldnight Commander 1 Precursor Golem 1 Zealous Conscripts 1 Odric, Master Tactician 1 Siege Dragon 1 Luminate Primordial 1 Requiem Angel 1 Avacyn, Guardian Angel 1 Dawnbringer Charioteers 1 Paragon Of New Dawns 1 Sunhome Guildmage 1 Truefire Paladin 1 Cyclops Of Eternal Fire 1 Wojek Halberdiers 1 Ornitharch 1 Gore-House Chainwalker 1 Kor Cartographer 1 Sightless Brawler 1 Selfless Cathar 1 Niblis Of The Urn 1 Juggernaut 1 Spectral Rider 1 Azorius Justiciar 1 Vanguard Of Brimaz 1 Akroan Phalanx 1 Glimmerpoint Stag - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - COMMANDER: 1 Nath Of The Gilt-Leaf CREATURES (33) 1 Fleshbag Marauder 1 Reclamation Sage 1 Dimir House Guard 1 Archetype Of Finality 1 Paragon Of Eternal Wilds 1 Karametras Acolyte 1 Cudgel Troll 1 Pharikas Mender 1 Burnished Heart 1 Desecrator Hag 1 Strangleroot Geist 1 Great Sable Stag 1 Sakura-Tribe Elder 1 ARbor Elf 1 Kazandu Tuskcaller 1 Harvester Druid 1 Wood Elves 1 Borderland Ranger 1 Putrid Leech 1 Nyx Weaver 1 Shrike Harpy 1 Nefarox, Overlord Of Grixis 1 Sepulchral Primordial 1 Reassembling Skeleton 1 Necropolis Regent 1 Disciple Of Bolas 1 Demonlord Of Ashmouth 1 Paragon Of Open Graves 1 Viscera Seer 1 Slum Reaper 1 Yavimaya Elder 1 Ulvenwald Tracker 1 Vhati-Il Dal ARTIFACTS (2) 1 Golgari Keyrune 1 Darksteel Ingot INSTANTS (8) 1 Tribute To HUnger 1 Natures Claim 1 Ulcerate 1 Reckless Spite 1 Rescue From The Underworld 1 Consume Strength 1 Diabolic Edict 1 Golgari Charm ENCHANTMENTS (6) 1 Animate Dead 1 Wound Reflection 1 Ground Seal 1 Quest For Renewal 1 Khalni Heart Expedition 1 Feast On The Fallen SORCERIES (14) 1 Savage Punch 1 Duress 1 Tormented Thoughts 1 Assassinate 1 Sign In Blood 1 Endless Obedience 1 Sanguimancy 1 Prey Upon 1 Treasure Find 1 Down/DIrty 1 Mulch 1 Search For Tomorrow 1 Rampant Growth 1 Life/Death LANDS (36) 1 Encroaching Wastes 1 Jungle Hollow 1 Barren Moor 1 Tranquil Thicket 1 Transguild Promenade 1 Golgari GUildgate 1 Terramorphic Expanse 1 Evolving Wilds 15 Forests 13 Swamps - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - > 1k ea lang po, last price na > ready to play, w/ sleeves, no deckbox/no special case for commander > please see attached file for their respective decklists > good for casual, budget, and new players > RFS: di na ginagamit, might as well magamit ng iba at a cheap price > meetup places: cubao/gma/ayala mrt stations, NG G2 (during FNMs), NG Centris or Trinoma (paminsan minsan)
Posted on: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 06:27:02 +0000

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