SEN PRINCE OTU BASSEY A VICTIM OF SEN IMOKE RANCOROUS POLITICAL SETTLEMENT Politics been a game of lies, smartness, toes stepper, calculations, loyalty and of course a game of interest, help in enriching one with good friend base as well as enemies territory. For some reasons, people with oblivious characters are awarded the electorates representation even against the electorates interest, thereby hindering the best and rightful candidates from harnessing the electorates interest in their representation. Its obvious that Sen Otu Bassey is the peoples choice regardless of the PDP primary election result, succes at a party primary election is mostly orchestrated by some party cabals to their interest through some selected delegates. Sen Otu was one of Imokes foot soldiers, loyalist and a conveyor of Imoke political cause, struggle and dominance. One will wonder why Sen Imoke choose to witdraw his support from Sen Otu, someone who had nothing against Imokes interest. Ist Sen Imoke way of flexing muscles to show supremacy? Did he loss trust in Sen Otu representation? Did Sen Otu stop been loyal? Why does Sen Imoke prefer Mr Greshom to Sen Otu now? So many questions begging for answers The Çross river state 3wise men mythology seems to be alive again, as widely speculated, the 3wise men (Duke,Imoke and Greshom) were to rule Cross river in turn. After Mr Donald and Sen Imoke have ruled consecutively, Sen Imoke was supposed to hand over the baton to Mr Greshom. But for political reason, equity and fairness, the party gubernatorial ticket was zoned to the northern Cross river which dealt the 3wise men myth a heavy blow. Since Mr Greshom has already loss the gubernatorial ticket, Sen Imoke calculations might be to compensate Mr Greshom with the Cross river southern senatorial ticket of the PDP. Sen Imoke knew if he leaves office today Mr Greshom wont have another better chance to pursue his political career. Sen Imoke calculations might also be that, since after the north has ruled for two tenures the ticket will be returning to the south. If he succeed in Making Mr Greshom a senator now, in eight years time when power will be returning to the south, Mr Greshom will have become a political juggernaut and will have gathered enough money and political weight in the south and ready to become the gubernatorial candidate then. Sen Imoke is only helping an old friend even when the odd is against his preferred candidate. Sen Imoke in his stealthy form is surreptitiously giving life to the 3wise men mythology knowingly or unknowingly. Sen otu is a grassroots politician loved by majority of southerns because of his quality representation, he has the political touch in the south to wrestle power with Sen Imoke PDP in any party he chooses to ply his political career. Lets not forget that nowadays people votes candidates of their choice and not party. PDP might be on the verge of losing Cross river south should Sen Otu who has already dumped the PDP continue on his second term ambition on another party platform. We as humans can only propose while God dispose, the Gods factor will be the most determinant however. Like football, anything can happen in politics, its not over till its over. Ofana, Augustine Ekpo Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka, Anambra
Posted on: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 13:27:48 +0000

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