SENATOR (DR) IFEANYI ARTHUR OkOWA; THE SOLUTION DELTANS NEED IN 2015-Deltans Diaspora At a time when Delta state is crawling instead of sprinting towards developmental goals, it raises a lot of questions and calls for concern. From all indications, drastic action remains the only option needed to savage the situation and subdue this quagmire of delay by enthroning a visionary leadership of positive change but that change may not come unless we demand it and work for it. Theres therefore an urgent need to begin to re-orientate ourselves and re-engineer our mentality in order to CHANGE our prospective to life and install a leadership of vision to fast tract this much desired socio-economic development goals. With a transparent, honest, GOD fearing, visionary, purposeful and matured leadership in place ,the Delta state which we dreamed of will be the home of a people who value DEMOCRATIC dividends as a basis for right living, of a people who will be satisfied with frugal comfort , and who will devote their leisure time to the things of the spirit; a state whose nooks and crannies would be bright with cossy homesteads, whose fields and villages would be joyous with sounds of industry, the romping of study children, the contest of athletic youths. What a wonderful state our dear Delta will be? Therefore let us wake up and brace up for potent solution. As the guber 2015 race begins, it will be wise of us to retrace our steps and avoid repetition of errors. We must, as a matter of necessity and urgency elect a leader who will transcend personal comfort to comfort others and proffer SOLUTION to our lingering problems and make our dream a reality. A leader who measures his success by the diminishing dependency of his followers. A leader who has the capacity to influence, inspire, direct, encourage, motivate, empower, induce, move and activate his subjects to pursue a common purpose. A leader who is a model to his people. A leader who bring forth the latent potential of his people, producing a character that inspires the confidence and trust of others .This is no doubt what Delta state desperately need at the moment. Now, who stands out and has the GOD-GIVEN SOLUTION to unemployment, infrastructural decay, poverty, hardship, insecurity, armed robbery, prostitution and kidnapping problems that hold sway in our state? It is Senator (Dr) Arthur Ifeanyi Okowa. A man of PURPOSE and SOLUTION. This intriguingly enigmatic man with a vast power of vision is the SOLUTION Deltans need in 2015. Consider this analogy: The destiny of an acron is a tree. By faith, you can see the tree within the seed. You have a vision of it in your minds eye because you know the potential in the seed. The same thing is for Senator (Dr) Arthur Ifeanyi Okowa. GOD has given him birth for a purpose, and as far as GOD is concerned, that purpose is already finished because HE has placed within this amiable gentle man and TORCH BEARER the potential to fulfilling it. That is the SOLUTION because What is written is written. The scripture made it clear that when the righteous are in POWER, the people rejoice. It is the time for Deltans to heave a sigh of relief and rejoice when Senator (Dr) Arthur Ifeanyi Okowa takes over the mantle of leadership in Delta state come 2015. Therefore, no matter who you are, what religion you belong, where you are, what ethnic background you belong in Delta state, you have a personal duty to support Dr. Okowa . A support for glorious victory and solution. It is a support for LIGHT to displace darkness. Lets cooperate with the man with whom we share corporate vision, stay together and work together, and not isolate ourselves in our private successes. We have the conviction that when we stir up each others visions and key into the SOLUTION agenda of Dr. Okowa, the divine deposit of destiny starts flowing and soon enough, Delta state will truly be a LAND FLOWING WITH BOTH MILK AND HONEY. It will be a state to be reckoned with, and be truly called the FINGER OF GOD and be a better place for all. GOD bless Deltans Diaspora, GOD bless Delta state.
Posted on: Tue, 02 Sep 2014 05:22:15 +0000

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