SEND ME A SIGN! Often well meaning, good people dismiss the - TopicsExpress


SEND ME A SIGN! Often well meaning, good people dismiss the idea of the existence of God, calling for a sign, a vision, an experience or a feeling to confirm his existence for them. But would that affect my love or service for God if he gave me a sign? When Jesus came into the world a lot of people refused to see the significance of the miracles and signs he performed. They crucified him because they did not want to accept him, but He came back to life three days later. Who would believe us today if they believed not Moses the prophets and didnt believe in the resurrection of Jesus, how could we expect them to believe a vision, experience or feeling that we thought might be a sign to us or them? While Jesus was on earth he showed many signs as proof of his identity. Some were written down for us to read and believe that Jesus was the Christ, the Son of God. (John 20:30,31). People were coming to Jesus, who was already very well noted for so many miracles, asking him for a sign for themselves. Jesus response was to suggest that their sins were keeping them from acknowledging what was already being believed by many, that he was from God, that he was Emmanuel or God with us! (Matthew 16:1-4; Luke 23:8; Matthew 1:23) Often people do not want to acknowledge the existence of God and the divinity of Jesus because they understand that such a belief would call for a change of heart on their part! (Hebrews 3:12; Romans 1) So the easiest way out for them is to suggest that they need a sign just for themselves even though they know it wont be forthcoming. As the Bible teaches in so many places, the creation itself teems with evidence for the existence of God! We are surrounded by so many people who suggest that everything we see just happened by accident, and sometimes we just take everything for granted with them! We worship the work of great artists, Michelangelo, Van Gogh, or our kindergarten grandson! No one would see these as accidents, as having just happened out of nothing for no reason, and yet every blade of grass in every field all around the world, every leaf on every tree, every flower and every piece of fruit that we buy to delight and sustain us, is put down to an accident! Wow! Think of the swag of evidence that is set aside in this! If so much evidence were set aside by a judge and jury in a murder trial, it would be considered a gross miscarriage of justice! A retrial would be demanded! Is it about time for you, dear reader, to look again at the overwhelming evidence for the existence of an Almighty, Creator God? This Creator God, we are told, made you in his spiritual image so that he might have you as a friend! Many people have come to believe in God through their coming face to face, as it were, with Jesus Christ who was raised from the dead! (2 Corinthians 4:6; 1 Peter 1:21). You owe it to yourself, to your friends and loved ones to consider the evidence for Gods existence and his great love for you and them. Talk with someone you know has a sincere faith in God. Take time to read what the Bible says about God. Note particularly what is recorded in the New Testament concerning the life, the actions and teachings of Jesus Christ. You will be the richer for the reading. You will be reading about the most significant life that ever was lived. If nothing else, you will understand why millions accept that Jesus really was God with us!. Who knows, your reading might melt your heart to where you can say with the once doubting Thomas, My Lord and my God!
Posted on: Thu, 10 Apr 2014 04:05:36 +0000

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