SENIOR-JUNIOR-POSTERIOR-PRIOR-ANTERIOR-INFERIOR-SUPERIOR Hi friends, how are you? Your Sridhar came again with another interesting topic. See the below sentence. Youssef is taller than Robert. Is the above sentence correct? Yes. It is exactly correct. Now see the below sentence. Youseff is senior than Robert. Is the above sentence correct? No. it is exactly incorrect, dear friends. The correct sentence is the below sentence. Youseff is senior to Robert. Because for some specific words, while comparing, we should not use “than”. We MUST use “to”. What are those words? These are the words. Senior, Junior, Inferior, Superior, Anterior, Posterior, prior. Now let us see the “correct usage of these words” in complete sentences. He is senior to me. She is junior to me. This movie is inferior to other movies released in this month This laptop is technically superior to its competitors. That is the incident anterior to her troubles. The date posterior to the Ramadan is 27th, June. Engagement is prior to the marriage. friends, now lets know the meanings of these specific words. Inferior = lower in rank, status, or quality. Superior = higher in rank, status, or quality. Anterior =coming before in time; earlier. Posterior = coming after in time or order; later. Prior = existing or coming before in time, order, or importance lets meet in the next post. bye friends
Posted on: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 00:04:52 +0000

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